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w00t! Congratulations in News

Oct 20, 2005 Shapenaji link
Haha, ok, so it was cad-ish for me to bring that up in this thread.

I'm not saying that you don't have a vote, I'm just saying that the
protocols have never been exercised. They're out of shape, rusty even. (pun entirely unintentional)

It may be a democratic system, but if someone shows me a design, I want to SEE it work, not just understand the theory :P.
Oct 20, 2005 MysticRogue link
And Im not going to return them :-) They are added to my collection each time you try to arrest me, tho I think you just like *seeing* me in cuffs, since I have yet to see a detention facility...hehe :-)
Oct 20, 2005 leapfrog link
Hehe... why... yes, yes I do like seeing you in them... no reason to even try to deny that fact... :)~