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Free Trade and the UIT

Dec 05, 2005 Screwball link
So, SKV has decided to blockade Ukari against cargo that they don't like. I flew through Ukari last night and instead of SKV, I encountered 3 members of SCAR asking me what cargo I'm carrying.

Let me just make my position on this crystal clear. I respect the laws of the nation who's space I'm in, and I'd like to stay neutral in the whole Itani vs Serco conflict because I have friends from all nations. However, Ukari does not belong to the Itani or the Serco, and as a citizen of the soverign Union of Independent Territories, I don't intend to submit to your policies there.

I'm sick and tired of the Itani and Serco governments treating the UIT like some backwater 3rd world nation that they can just push around. The UIT developed its own space technology, found and settled its own systems, and earned its INDEPENDENCE in the galaxy. How dare you fly half way around the galaxy into free space and try to tell us what and where we can trade?

Sure, you can try to justify this as being part of a your war effort, but guess what? The UIT isn't at war with the Itani or Serco... or is it? One of the definitions of war is: "A concerted effort or campaign to combat or put an end to something considered injurious". That seems to describe the current "military operation" directed primarily against UIT pilots rather well. Are you actually declaring war on the UIT? Do you really want to open a 2nd front?

I've earned my respect with the Itani and Serco governments. If you still don't trust me, then get your scientists to invent a damn cargo scanner, or pay the UIT to do it for you. I'm not dropping my cargo until it gets to it's destination, and I don't take kindly to being shot at.

As for folks like Shape, for whom this is personal, at least that's something I can respect.
Dec 05, 2005 Gavan link
From the mouth of The Serco Cadre of Armed Retards! Tremble in your booties oh lowly merchants!
Dec 05, 2005 Screwball link
Gee, that's funny Lecter. If you want to be a jack-ass and blockade traders from bringing supplies to your own nation, go for it. Why you would want to hurt your own nation is beyond me.

You should also know that I passed by the SCAR blockade twice last night and they didn't fire a shot, even though I refused to drop my cargo. Then they gave up the blockade entirely by the next time I went through, because there were only 4 total Serco pilots available and only 1 was SCAR. Your words clearly don't match the action of SCAR.

Lesson learned.
Dec 05, 2005 Lord Q link
hey doc your ignorance is showing

Dec 05, 2005 moldyman link
If I am fired upon as a trader, expect me to treat you as if you are a pirate. I will drop mines and crush your puny little ship as I move along my trade route. This goes to both SKV and SCAR. I only stopped for SKV on Sunday because I have a smidgen of respect still left for them.

Lesson is: Both SKV and SCAR are radical groups. Both may be labelled renegaade and terrorists by their respective nations (though i doubt this from the Dominion). Moral of the story: Politicians have their own hides to save, don't expect support back home.
Dec 05, 2005 icbm1987 link
Erik C. is a ninny.

And a traitor to his organization... even though I fully support his defection from the Akanese... it's a wee bit farfetched to expect someone who defected once not to defect again. Do not trust Erik C.

The UIT are free to trade as far as I'm concerned; however, one must remember... that within every organization... there are good cops and bad cops. The one's who'll bust ya for going .5 over... and the nice ones who'll let ya get by with 9 over.

One more thing. Moldyman is wrong, SCAR is not a radical group and neither is SKV. The AKANESE are radical. SCAR and SKV are merely the more militant forces from the two nations, calling them renegades or terrorists shows a great deal of ignorance about what is going on.

Zoras Ock
Half-assed pilot, trader, and incompetent pirate.
Dec 05, 2005 Ghost link
@Screwball: Ukari does not belong to the UIT either. There is a war going on that I suggest you be concious of. This action is not directed at all against UIT traders. UIT traders are asked not to bring weapons into Serco space. Serco traders are forced to drop their cargo, no matter what it may be. This is obviously directed at the Serco. SKV has no gripe with the UIT, why would we make a concious military effort against the UIT? There is no benefit. To suggest that we are declaring war on the UIT is radical in itself.

An act directed against the UIT would be a blockade of UIT space. We are blockading Serco space. This seems relatively straight forward to me. I do not understand how you can suggest that limiting the materials that may be passed through one sector of grey space is an act specifically directed against UIT traders. Believe me, our concern has been much more with Serco pilots than UIT.

The UIT have millions of trade contracts all over the known universe. SKV is not even asking you to drop one of those, we are simply asking that you choose different materials to trade into one area out of the entire galaxy, Serco space.

To compare SKV to SCAR is to remain ignorant of the facts. SCAR is a known pirate guild. They fire upon neutral traders. SKV is a military task force. We ask you to carry different resources into Serco space and confiscate none of your cargo. I doubt you will recieve the same treatment from SCAR.

Our only concern is with the war effort. We don't work for profit. Our only concern in Ukari is to further the Itani war effort against the Serco.
Dec 05, 2005 Lord Q link
"with the first link the chain is forged, for the first speach sesured, or the first fredom denied, chains us all irepricably"

"I said nothing when they came for the baker.
I said nothing when they came for the smith.
I said nothing when they came for my neibor.
And when they came for me, there was no one left to say anything"

this and other thought about tyrany brought to you by:
M'at's fredom co.
Dec 05, 2005 Lord Q link
Correction: M'at aware of the operation of spell check

Words may be mispelled, for my amusment, for typing pratice, or upon suspicion of their assisting the keyboard in an attempt ti injure my writs, in any way shape or form. No warning of any kinde NEED be issued, nore NEED reperations or abologaies be issued to those offended. Should forum readers get a litle uppity as a rsult of this discretionary exercise, i will compell them to deliver all reverance onto me as their one true god (Tunrupqulease, god of Tuirnups)


Thyne Lord: Q, ruler of turnups, telepathic controler of turtles, warer of the Pants of Mystery, voice of chaos, and master of the needlessly long title
Dec 05, 2005 vIsitor link

Whilst Ukari is not officially controlled by any major faction, it is UIT gaurded because of its importance with our southern trade contracts. To our nation itself, you have done nothing illeagal, but you have disrupted our primary trade route with the Aeolus Trading Perfectorate, who handles nearly all commerce in the glactic south, delayed critical shipments, and as a result we nearly lost our most valued contracts and subsidies. For individual players it was a minor annoyance, but for many UIT corperations your little bloackade has lost billions of crredits in profit.

Furthermore, you list a vital station component--oxygen recyclers--as war material, but it is quite clearly used for Life-Support systems. How would you like the crew of Eo's Welcome to aspixiate when we 'forget' to send the regular shipments of Oxy Recyclers there for three straight weeks, hmm? I say you should reassess your choices for contraband.

And SCAR isn't a pirate guild, it just happens to be the guild with the most pirates =P

On a final note, the CDC, being a merc guild, is availible for hire to the highest bidder. We will asssist with leagal blocades, and convoy escort. We are also availible for blockade running if paid enough, and will gladly bite the bullet for you if we fail to deliver (ie, you'l be reimbersed for lost cargo)

-Lt. CNH
Dec 05, 2005 LeberMac link
LOL I've got a great new business plan:

1) Take Bulk Procurement Mission in Behemoth
2) Hire CDC as escort thru grayspace
3) When pirates blow me up, hit up CDC for the cost of lost mission AND lost ship, making tidy profit.
4) repeat.

OK that was mean. I'm sorry, CNH
Dec 05, 2005 Pixelcat link
All restrictions upon my free trade shall be fired upon until such time that they cease to restrict my free trade as shown by my actions against [SKV]; additionaly, no warning of any form NEED be issued (but it probably will be the first and second time in the form of a brief explenitive), nor NEED reparations or apologies be made.
Dec 05, 2005 vIsitor link
I might note that while we will reimberse you for your cargo, we will not reimberse you for the lost mission. Unless stated otherwise in the contract agreement, we are not to be paid until our job is completed--should payment be unreasonalbly witheld the client will gain a Temp KOS standing with the CDC, repeated incidends will give said client a KOS standing for good. At our expense, we will do our negate any material losses, but we will not be defrauded.

PS M'at, I would like to talk to you about Guild matters. Since I cannot (currently) be in-game, I advise you contact me at

Dec 05, 2005 Ghost link
Reguarding Oxygen Recycling Systems:

The serco have capabilities to produce these within their own space. Our reaons for restricting these is due to the fact that they are also used in warships. The Serco have the ability to produce these on their own, whether they put priority into warships or stations is up to them.
Dec 05, 2005 Lord Q link
hey boss,
i tried to send you an email but it didin't look like it worked, you may try emaling my at Lord_Q at mac dot com.

Dec 05, 2005 icbm1987 link
Um... Ghost...

Regarding does not have a "u" in it.

Just thought you might want to know.
Dec 05, 2005 Ghost link
Thankyou icbm, for picking out the single spelling mistake of all of my posts in these two related topics. Go pick on Lord Q, you'll have a field day.

Lecter, working out well.
Dec 05, 2005 Lord Q link
corecting my spelling is like retreving your keys from a river of malten lava, you're better off just letting them go, 'cuz man, there gone
Dec 06, 2005 leapfrog link
Dec 06, 2005 jexkerome link
Rawk on, Lord Q!