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To [ITAN] Coalition Of Itan members

Dec 23, 2005 mgl_mouser link
From: Commander Mogul Velaio, Coalition of Itan
To: Coalition Of Itan members, Councils and Lieutenants
Re: First operational directive

Fellow pilots, it is with great honor that I accept the the position of Commander of the Coalition Of Itan. By now, the commandership structure has been adjusted and everyone with responsibility roles should be able to tend to these new or renewed responsibilities. ITAN's web site will be updated shortly for access permissions.

Tonight, I am leaving on a previously-scheduled trip. Until my return on the 27th, I'm leaving you with my first directive:

Have a happy holiday.

Commander Mogul Velaio
Coalition Of Itan
Dec 23, 2005 icbm1987 link
Wouldn't it be "Commandership"?

What exactly are the commandments of Itan?
Dec 23, 2005 mgl_mouser link
It's "Frenglish"

Dec 23, 2005 MSKanaka link
Actually, it would just be "Command structure".
Dec 23, 2005 LeberMac link
LOL For some reason I am still entrusted with responsibility. Odd.

Anyway, the Commandments of Itan are secret, Ock, and I'm pretty sure that some of them involve kicking your ass.
Dec 23, 2005 Borb II link
Well regardless congrats, your good for the spot. Well good as far as Itanis come. ;P
Dec 23, 2005 Dark Knight link

As interpreted by Dark Knight

1. Thou shalt sit on thine lazy bums while [SKV] doeseth all thine RP work for thou.

2. Thou shalt not be sober.

3. Thou shalt spend most of thine time far away from Itani space, leaving thine borders open to attack.

4. Thou shalt regard trading with contempt.

5. Thou shalt (apparently) give thine members enough spare time to participate in whatever RP events they so choose.
Dec 24, 2005 LeberMac link
6. Thou shalt kick Dark Knight's ass whenever thou sees't him. Verily.

I saw exactly -0- SKV besides 'ol Demonor tonight as we defended our borders. <sigh> What, are all you guys in India or something? How come I never see y'all?
Dec 24, 2005 jexkerome link
You missed one, Dark Knight:

7. Thou shall brag long and profusely about yours and the Guild's exploits, merits, and power, without there being any such exploits, merit or power as indeed the Guild engageth in Preemptive Inaction, and will do continue to do so even when undeniable proof about or lameness is brought forward.
Dec 24, 2005 macguy link
Bah, we killed like 500 sercos last night (bots from boarder patrol).

And Demonor was the ONLY SKV there last night. So be quite.
Dec 24, 2005 LeberMac link
/me pens a NEW commandment,

8. Thou shalt treatest the vile slime jexkerome with no more respect than he deserves, which on a scale from 1 to 10, is -42.
Dec 24, 2005 icbm1987 link
9. Thou shalt laugh when Leebs kills get stolen by SMitt.
Dec 24, 2005 jexkerome link
10. When you boast of the Guild "accomplishments", thou shalt endeavour to do so with the poorest spelling and grammar possible, so as to properly show the Lameness of [ITAN].
Dec 24, 2005 avirulence link
12:28AM LeberMac
I saw exactly -0- SKV besides 'ol Demonor tonight as we defended our borders. <sigh> What, are all you guys in India or something? How come I never see y'all?

Actually, a lot of us are in Europe.
Dec 24, 2005 Ghost link
I'm workin on the movie damnit!!!

Shameless Plug: The movie that will be finished by early January, look for it on the boards!

Oh, and btw

Leber: "Verily."

Dec 27, 2005 mgl_mouser link
I wished the creator of a thread could lock one thread himself.

Can we Ninny this please?
Dec 27, 2005 LeberMac link
Dec 27, 2005 Demonor link
thou shall not ungroup when Lebs AFK.....
Thou shall not go alone in C-10 when 4 Proms and 2 Rag see you and Boom you...
Thou shall boom them with itty bitty IBG which put up a strong fight against Serco Ninnies
Dec 27, 2005 moldyman link
Serco Nin-knees
Dec 28, 2005 Dark Knight link
/me gets out the Little Scepter of Sherpa™