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Dodging Flares and energy weapons

Mar 01, 2004 harvestmouse link
learned what 'backpedaling' was today (physics mode is nifty, I just have to watch my back). Cool how you can get a 255m/s dualflare too! Thanks Zeal and Anansi and Golden Star.
-Railguns arre fast as heck, but hard to aim! Only nailed Star's Valk twice... heh. Although I had a bad time aiming, dodging those missiles did me some good.
-and ZEAL, approaching your rag was HARD.I died a very painful death, trying to crash those missiles into an asteroid and finally turboing at max through them (hey, sometimes it works if I'm going extremely fast, but swarms detonate on contact, me thinks) thanks for your tips for strafing/boosting/physics/weapons and ships.
-/me wishes for Hoax's 1337 dodging skills. Is an Atlas a heavy? /me finds Anansi to do the Hoaxy Poaxy in Heavies
Mar 02, 2004 Spider link
Not online right now, will be later tonight, catch you then ;)

And the atlas, use the wraith instead. Its the cheap mini-prom ;)