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Aug 03, 2015 CORVUS NEWS NETWORK link
CNN has obtained exclusive documents from Dau Central detailing findings by now silenced scientists at Dau university. These documents are confirmed by independent analysts from Serco Prime and detail the impending destruction of the galaxy as we know it.

After careful analysis Dau cosmologists have confirmed our galaxy is on a collision course with two larger, smarter, and more well designed galaxies named "Elite: Dangerous" and "Star Citizen". Another galaxy named "No Man's Sky" is set to collide shortly after. All of these are predicted to entirely destroy our galaxy.

Flee in all haste.
Aug 03, 2015 RoboticMechanicalJeb link
As a Dau Station Commander (L-11), Scientist, Cosmologist, and Space Craft engineer; I can confirm that scientists from Dau University have gone silent; but with hundreds of Serco pilots dying in Ukari A-10, we are aiming to protect and help Serco Traders fly past SKVs border Defences and bring us Serco Implants.

On a Completely unrelated note: yes, I can confirm that this is happening...
Aug 03, 2015 genka link
Aug 03, 2015 i82blikeu link
Sieger, is it you?
last time we met you weren't wearing those boots...

lemme know.

soundtrack is nice too ;-)
Aug 03, 2015 sirfropsalot link
i feel this belongs in off topic
Aug 04, 2015 Sieger link
I'm pretty sure this is a selfie of yours on your last party with BOAT and SKV in their "party cellar", iatetobelikeyou.
Aug 05, 2015 i82blikeu link
>I'm pretty sure this is a selfie of yours on your last party with BOAT and SKV in their "party cellar", >iatetobelikeyou.



WTF man?
Aug 08, 2015 aaronund link
The my little pony hat is a nice touch, good for you rabbit man!