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Reply to BoneYard

Oct 10, 2015 greenwall link
How do you think AnyX updates the locations of players not actually sighted? This was part of the motivation for giving the plugin to EMS Ninjr - to spy on the unsuspecting players (kinda like some other utility plugin...).
Oct 10, 2015 bojansplash link

01:59PM joeGalloway
I fly under the ITAN flag as well... You going to shoot that alt too because one of my many is in TGFT?

Better start gearing up, you have alot of alts to shoot.

Sorry, I meant to reply to this but the original thread was locked so I will reply here.

SKV is at war with TGFT. Your TGFT chars will be attacked on sight.
Having alts in many guilds as you say, I am sure you very well know that SKV does not attack allies or neutral guild members nor unguilded players unless they have Itani kos/hate standing.

However, If your alt gets caught using TGFT utilities, it will be labeled as spy and end on our KOS list.
Oct 10, 2015 csgno1 link
How do you think AnyX updates the locations of players not actually sighted?

Whereas I can conceptualize of how to keep track of people I have seen, I haven't put much time into keeping track of people that I have not seen and others have not seen. I'm not sure about how to figure out how to list people I haven't seen AND none of my associates haven't seen without making list of who I and my associates HAVE seen, which I don't do. So looking at the list of players seen, maybe I thought they were seen. So is your position still that I must have known something that I say I don't know?
Oct 11, 2015 csgno1 link
-Using free accounts to help strip mine is cheating.

I disagree with this one. It's not like the additional ore mined counts toward his total, he gained an advantage because of the heat averaging which allowed him to mine a bit faster. The group as a whole gained a lot of ore to keep. No plugin was required. F2p accounts are allowed to mine in groups.

Maybe there is a reasonable objection to how many f2p accounts one person should have, but I don't know how to even approach that.
Oct 11, 2015 greenwall link
I would agree I don't really have a problem with it (strip mining), but it is just as much cheating as farming pks off of a f2p account. I honestly don't really have a problem with a lot of various cheating that happens in vo as long as it isn't done in ways that regularly and negatively affect other people's gameplay.

I have a problem with someone aggressively applying a double-standard to another group of people to the point where the game starts to suffer.
Oct 11, 2015 DeathSpores link
really i dont see the point in farmin' pks on yer own f2p accounts, there a lot a newbs in the game, and the whinin' or the rage ye get from 'em is far more rewardin' than the pk score itself.
Oct 11, 2015 csgno1 link
I would agree I don't really have a problem with it (strip mining), but it is just as much cheating as farming pks off of a f2p account.

I don't think the two are close at all. Lets just agree to disagree.