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Not So Funny Quotes 2016

Aug 07, 2016 Space Pancakes link
I find both of the previous posts funny.
Aug 07, 2016 Fasana Tolanna link
[08/07/16 20:38:42] [4357] <Sevezin> VPR on patrol, post pirate sightings to channel 4357.
[08/07/16 20:41:34] [4357] <Awspar> will pay 50k per skv kill.

Aug 10, 2016 Fasana Tolanna link
Today 04:18PM csgno1:
You seem to think I have significant financial ties with TGFT. My dealings with them have been almost zero since you and seiger started the war


Aug 20, 2016 bojansplash link
Laboon takes on poor people:

[100] <Laboon> Poor ey couldn't afford to sub his SKV alt so he had to buy 1000x X-1's and take hard earned money from devs
[100] <Laboon> Pretty low for SKV to steal money away from the devs like that
[100] <Shark> #banishpoorpeoplefromvo sponsored by laboon
[100] <ARF_01> how is that stealing money?
[100] <Laboon> You guys should pay for your sub like everyone else
[100] SKV-IRC [IRC] <Sideburns> #coolstorybro
[100] SKV-IRC [IRC] <Sideburns> again please
[100] <Laboon> He gets to play VO with full sub privs for free
[100] <Laboon> That's how
[100] <Shark> yeah all poor people do not deserve to play, you should find them and kill them to propagate your rich species laboon
[100] ARF_01 pays for Italian subs w/spicy mustard, spinach, and extra vinegar.
[100] <Laboon> No poor people do not deserve to play.
[100] <Laboon> Pay for sub like everyone else.
[100] <Laboon> Welfare queen
[100] <Shark> sure, only rich peole deserve to play
Aug 20, 2016 greenwall link
bojan's take on rich people:

[100] <Laboon> Poor ey couldn't afford to sub his SKV alt so he had to buy 1000x X-1's and take hard earned money from devs
[100] <Laboon> Pretty low for SKV to steal money away from the devs like that
[100] <Shark> #banishpoorpeoplefromvo sponsored by laboon
[100] <ARF_01> how is that stealing money?
[100] <Laboon> You guys should pay for your sub like everyone else
[100] SKV-IRC [IRC] <Sideburns> #coolstorybro
[100] SKV-IRC [IRC] <Sideburns> again please
[100] <Laboon> He gets to play VO with full sub privs for free
[100] <Laboon> That's how
[100] <Shark> yeah all poor people do not deserve to play, you should find them and kill them to propagate your rich species laboon
[100] ARF_01 pays for Italian subs w/spicy mustard, spinach, and extra vinegar.
[100] <Laboon> No poor people do not deserve to play.
[100] <Laboon> Pay for sub like everyone else.
[100] <Laboon> Welfare queen
[100] <Shark> sure, only rich peole deserve to play
Aug 20, 2016 Moe Lester link
haha greenwall,
took you full 3 minutes for a copy/paste?


Aug 20, 2016 greenwall link
stop laughing! these aren't supposed to be funny!
Aug 20, 2016 Moe Lester link
i'm laughing at you...


Aug 22, 2016 xperia link
[100] <SR_7468_HELLCAT> xperia killed my trade valk!
[100] <xperia> what trader flys a valk!
Aug 26, 2016 Fasana Tolanna link
[100] <Ecka Estenk> I just fly by and flick the finger these days

Aug 31, 2016 Fasana Tolanna link
[100] <Ecka Estenk> really , we have been here longer , and kinda know what we are doing


Sep 05, 2016 Fasana Tolanna link
Gentlemen, start your engines!:

[Mon Sep 5 18:27:25 2016] [100] <Greenwall> nah mistean, yer just a piece of ****


Sep 05, 2016 greenwall link
SKV sucks! yo ho
Sep 16, 2016 Fasana Tolanna link
[100] <Greenwall> neon you can join SKV with your kabewm alt now, you stupid ****
Oxford, i suppose...

Sep 16, 2016 Whistler link
Fasana: I edited profanity directed at others from your posts. Please do so yourself from this point on.
Sep 16, 2016 neon black link
Please tell me Kabewm got booted from VOID because Wallgreens thought he was me!

Sep 16, 2016 joylessjoker link
Whistler: Instead of punishing the messenger, why not punish the real offender?
Sep 16, 2016 Whistler link
I do, but you just keep doing it.

At any rate, what "punishment" are you talking about? I edited out profanity per the forum rules and politely requested that the author edit himself in the future. I'm not in the game all day and thus could not deal with profanity directed at others there.
Sep 16, 2016 Dr. Lecter link
All of you kindly shut the fuck up - I'm not sure which is more tedious, BojneonJoyleenwall's bickering or Whistler's faux-reasonable pontificating. TYIA for your anticipated cooperation.
Sep 16, 2016 joylessjoker link
I'm not in the game all day and thus could not deal with profanity directed at others there.

Why not deal with the in-game profanity after the fact? Doling out temporary mutes for obvious offenses that occurred within a few days in the past will encourage people to think twice about choice of words even if a guide/moderator isn't present. All too often, people see the absence of a guide as a reason to figuratively throw a party and say whatever the hell they want.