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[AMAL] Guild ad.

Sep 08, 2016 anamal link
No, again if you want to know why I named it that way, you should read at the beginning of the thread.

Am- animal
Al- alliance

Amal- Animal Alliance
Sep 08, 2016 Mi5 link
I'm not a politician, yiff in hell.

Furries are exactly like LGBTQ, begging for acceptance into the public norm damned the rates of suicide of post-op and molestation/sexual assault/murder/drug abuse/theft

This is a large reason why VOID exterminates them with heavy prejudice, we have to keep bathrooms in Sedina D14 and other major public locations segregated by genders based in reality.
Sep 08, 2016 Whistler link

Keep it civil and rp, people.

I removed a bunch of stuff.
Sep 08, 2016 Pizzasgood link
For the record, anamal, I am not against furries. I was just making a joke about fur and how it gets everywhere. Sorry if you thought that was trolling. Also, I tried to defend you from Mi5's hateful bigotry, but Whistler deleted my post even though it was perfectly civil. Not sure what his problem is, but whatever. Just know that not everybody agrees with the bullshit Mi5 is spewing.
Sep 08, 2016 anamal link
Sorry pizza All I saw was something about fur and just deemed it was some other buggary, thank you.
Sep 08, 2016 Mi5 link

Don't mind me, I'm not 10x more likely to commit suicide or murder.

Stats can't be hateful or any flavor of downplaying of fact.
Sep 08, 2016 joylessjoker link
Funny how the second link points to people like YOU as the problem of violence against the LGBT minority, leading to rise of suicide rate. Did you even read it?
Sep 08, 2016 greenwall link
Apparently violating Rule of Conduct #2 is considered "keeping it civil".

Sep 08, 2016 Mi5 link
What do you mean "you people" that's extremely offensive and inconsiderate for you to say to a genderfluid-transbionic squirrel-kin.

In all seriousness any group of people who have a 50-92% suicide rate are not mentally fit. Those with history of mental illness are already barred from the military, extended employment, education, health services because they are at a higher risk of commiting and being victims of sexual assault, murder, suicide and other degenerated activity.

You are an advocate for human and animal suffering at best, becoming a furry is a choice just like any other sexual preference. If I had my unit cut off I would kill myself to, how ironic that a sexual and gender preference results in the permanent loss of sexual stimulation. I'm sure not being able to get off or have children has nothing to do with suicide rate increasing with all the mainstream pushing accepting this behavior. Next you're going to want to repeal the age of consent and bestiality laws and shame anyone who dare stand against "progression"
Sep 08, 2016 anamal link
Keep it rp... to my liking I would just appreciated leaving the thread be. Yall are gunna get my thread locked :(
Sep 08, 2016 Whistler link
Allowing prohibited posts to remain is a lot like leaving graffiti up - it seems to indicate that more will be permitted and leads to more of the same. This is well studied. However, some of the chief offenders will not be contributing to this thread anymore.
Sep 08, 2016 anamal link
Ok thankya
Sep 09, 2016 Dr. Lecter link
In all seriousness any group of people who have a 50-92% suicide rate are not mentally fit.

O'rly? I know a large (albeit ever-shrinking) group of angry vets who'd like a word with you.
Sep 09, 2016 aaronund link
I commented on this yesterday and then deleted because i knew some how that TheRebelMedia and Gavin McInnes would inexplicably end up on a VO forum. Now all we need is Milo Yiannopolous, Steven Crowder, Harambe and Paul Joseph Watson to have the full set.

Maybe Furries are the new black teens eh?
Sep 09, 2016 SR_7136_HELLCAT link
Harambe is already here.
You just don't know it yet.
Sep 09, 2016 abortretryfail link
Sep 09, 2016 aaronund link
I need therapy now... Thanks for that.
Sep 09, 2016 H.Hornblower link
Seriously? We're pigeon holing furrows as infringement on traditional, heterosexual, Judeo-Christian lifestyle and making judgements about furry affinity based on suicide rates??? <SMH>
Sep 09, 2016 Savet link
Back on topic!

Sep 09, 2016 Dr. Lecter link
Here, this is on-topic and an actually amusing use of furries (OP, fucking take notes as you need a lot of remedial education in that area):