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I can't believe I have to post on something so trivial

Sep 26, 2017 clankplusm link
Man this is trivial as shit. I join a newbie guild for lawls, put a million credits in. And have to present proof of it.... What asshats...
Call me a drama queen over a mill but this is principle.
Sep 26, 2017 Luxen link
track your bank better with plugins.

tetsal doesnt understand much english I think - its always such a pain to communicate with him. take your time to explain what he did, and show proof of it here, and lets see what he does.

A million is pocket change, but even a penny excites children ^.^
Sep 26, 2017 GamingFOReel link
Luxen I think you to notice it as from the guild bank. Not from clank. Clank is in the wrong. But so is tetsal..a little.
Sep 27, 2017 yodaofborg link
GamingFOReel, are you for real? The pictures clearly show clank putting money in the bank.

Don't let em win clank, kill em till they have paid you that mill back in blood!
Sep 27, 2017 GamingFOReel link
Lol yoda trolling.
It shows many people withdrawing before tetsal. Why target him.
Sep 27, 2017 Luxen link
Because their withdrawels are normal; they werent trying to drain the entire bank i bet.
Sep 27, 2017 Pizzasgood link
I don't understand the nature of this complaint. He put a million credits in the guild bank, and another person took it out. This is different from what he expected how?
Sep 27, 2017 .Scorpio. link
Your right, this is trivial.
Sep 28, 2017 yodaofborg link
Sep 28, 2017 Pizzasgood link
I haven't been able to find a station that sells bullets, but a million credits is enough to buy a million xith rounds for my railgun. It can also buy 25,000 individual Screamers, Jackhammers, or Sunflares, 33,333 Starflares, or 50,000 Iceflares.
Oct 01, 2017 clankplusm link
In honour of this treason. I shall be assaulting dau as often as possible until the debt is repaid. Thanks for the suggestion.
Oct 02, 2017 joylessjoker link
25,000 flares are really not a lot, considering how some flare jocks spray them like water.
Oct 02, 2017 clankplusm link
Hey @luxen what was real world to VO credit value?
Oct 02, 2017 Pizzasgood link
There isn't a single consistent value for that, since there's no big market for buying or selling credits through which a standard market value could emerge. Instead, it varies from person to person based on how many credits per hour they can make vs. how many dollars per hour they could make if they worked instead of played. If you earned $90 per hour but could only make a million credits per hour, you'd value credits at $90/million. If you earn $7.50/h and can make 10 million credits per hour, then credits are worth $0.75/million.
Oct 02, 2017 Luxen link
Pizza, a while ago i bullshitted about price of steel per ton between the different markets; I clearly never meant for it to be a serious conversion, but I needed to figure out credits to dollar and then dollar to Kerbal dollar. I was trying to figure out a price comparison between a VultMkI and a vulture I tried to build in KSP. For grins, of course.

Ksp vult ended up costing <1k galactic credits, but in perspective it also has only enough of a hull to get into space; no fancy xithricite plating to protect from incoming fire, or even small space dust ;)
Oct 03, 2017 Faille Corvelle link
US Dollars, Canadian Dollars, East Caribbean Dollars, Bahamian Dollars, Hong Kong Dollars, Belize Dollars, Belize Dollars, Bermuda Dollars, Barbadian Dollars, Cayman Islands Dollars, Fijian Dollars, Brunei Dollars, Singapore Dollars, Belize Dollars, Guyanese Dollars, Jamaican Dollars (and so on...) or Aussie Dollary-doos?
Oct 04, 2017 Xeha link
@Luxen: share the KSP vulture craft :)
Oct 04, 2017 Luxen link
Havent taken the time to look at how to share models yet, but ive allready shared a video of getting it in orbit around kerbin. Of course, the most difficult part didnt get recorded - horizontle liftoff. The dumb thing kept tilting on its side. I need to refine it a little. But, since the original vult was an atmospheric ship, it has to be a runway takeoff...
Nov 02, 2017 VikingRanger link
@Luxen go to where your KSP game files are, KSP -> Saves -> [save name] -> ships -> SPH
Nov 02, 2017 Luxen link
Too late; the recent update made a bunch of mods incompatible, and I ended up having to delete everything just for the game to load again. I am gonna remake it with some later stuff, with as few depenencies I can bear with.