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Christmas Never Really Ends.
Time is an illusion in VO. I'm not late. I'm just early for next year.
Luxen - A different gun, he can use for a change. He should swap gifts with spidey
Spidey - 120 Fletchette MKIIs, he loves that gun X
Astala-So Salan - Medical Supplies, because EMS don't do anything but heal x
Harpo - a full set of Serco training disks
dethtag - A blank datapad, so he can write it down x
YT-1300 - A scanner spoofer, so no one can see HIS cargo
Jakp - Surveilance equipment
Scottiaknight - Manufacturing equipment
Pandoram - three pilot safety harnesses, one for each dent, he needs way more but I'm cheap.
Drevent - 1000cu of pyronic ore, I heard he likes rocks.
Boda Shandis - Itani education disks, he might like learning about other cultures
IonicPaul - A turbocharger, so he can win more races. x
Itani Silencer - a datalink connector, it might improve his connection X
Tsreknor - A Life support system, he actually might outlive me.
Capt'N Blood - 120cu of synth wood. His limbs are looking a bit worn out.
Westacular - Fitness equipment, this one might be a little mean
Conducter - an EC repair manual, he'll need it if he evers tries to kill me in one
Kennyb - A single unit of Deneb Rum, so I can have way more dumb vc chats.
Demonicat - A charitable donation in his name to an orphanage.
Blood Thirsty - Agricultural supples, he really does need feeding.
FuddleDuck - 120cu of food, I know you're not supposed to feed the ducks.
Any Space Cow - 120cu of fine china, he'll probably break it
The Volumptuos Night Sky - 120cu of Rare books, hopefully one of them is an english phrase book
A-Dawg - Divinia Spices, "I'm so high right now, what is happening?"
Phaserlight - 20cu of synthwood, either so he can build a boat or carve a wizards staff.
Whistler - 120cu of medical supplies, I'm still disappointed he isn't a kindly old southern doctor
Incarnate and Raybondo - I'm not giving them anything until they give me back my childhood
SIGSEVG - A bottle of Dau wine, he'll have to wait a few years before he can drink it though
LazyPanda - 1cu of medical supplies, he clearly has an upset stomach.
Greenwall - A pressure release valve, so he can let off some steam.
John Waters - 120cu of... water, wait no please I can come up with something better I promise!
A 1971 Dodge Challenger- Engine Mounts, I hear he breaks down a lot
Weasy - 1cu of rare furniture, it should hopefully include a bed ... "Playing Final Fantasy XI for: 6 days"
Ren Aar - A pcb, so he can more easilly hold his victims still
Lemon Fox - A free visit to my church, no I'm serious everytime I hear about your life I want to cry.
Anewold - Emergency Repair kit, so that pinkus will survive longer than ten minutes with him flying it
draugath - Orun Collector Cores, probably useful for plugin development or something
Chon-Bo Koshor - synthetic gems, and a promise I'll get his name right
Osta-Po Zelina - synthetic diamonds, and a promise I'll get his name right
Tjgaming - A training neutron, so he can practice pvp.
Asella-Ba - Verasi Specialty Foods, as close as I could get to tradtional itallian cooking.
Rogue81 - One of her newbie kits given back to her, I shouldn't have gotten this in the first place.
Bikaka Pretolus - the commodities required for at least one of the reps he's grinding.
Vibralicious - fresh flowers, for making me a really cool screensaver.
The Heat - Orion Drill bits, I don't know why laser beams need drill bits but neither does he.
Defender-A2K255K8B - Consumer Robotics, he might have or be this already but i'm not sure
Diego Den Hoc - 50cu of food, he needs to eat better X
Blazzy - Icu of rare furniture. Now you have a chair. Leave the damn stations alone!
Sitri - 1cu of dried meat. Now stop devouring my newbies please.
Gigaballz - A recommendation for a name change. Please stop making me say your name. "I really like gigaballz"
Johnny Knoxville - 1cu of medical supplies, also sorry for making you the prime minister of a nation and then abandoning you for a year.
Espionage - One golden gay time.
Anthrax - A warranty from FAMY
Twitchytoes - Whatever he wants. Please stop PMing me "meow" when I log on.
12netjuan - Icu of personal defence systems "Because someone's going go after him the way he speaks, lovingly" IonicPaul
Munny - I'll buy the warranty for Anthrax from this guy.
Tob-Le Rone - Sedina Chocolates... wait no. He already fucking guessed it. Vegetable protein
Hawkfeather - Divinia spices. I hear that seasoning goes well with chicken
Aludra - A promise that I'm not Lisa lol
Chumboat - Fresh flowers and Sedina chocolates. I'm sorry please come back.
Anna Thelma - 3cu of SSS. I'll give you the other 800 I owe you over subsequence christmas'
Faille Corvelle - Ship paint... now please make me a model trident.
Itani Monk - Aelous light repair module... please just repair your fucking ship.
Stormtitty - Serco ale and engine mounts. Beer and engines... german shit.
Aven - Itani training wait An EC training manuel. Memorize that shit before you start a newbie guild
VeXed - A datapad containing instructions on how to /join 100 and /msg
Luxen - A different gun, he can use for a change. He should swap gifts with spidey
Spidey - 120 Fletchette MKIIs, he loves that gun X
Astala-So Salan - Medical Supplies, because EMS don't do anything but heal x
Harpo - a full set of Serco training disks
dethtag - A blank datapad, so he can write it down x
YT-1300 - A scanner spoofer, so no one can see HIS cargo
Jakp - Surveilance equipment
Scottiaknight - Manufacturing equipment
Pandoram - three pilot safety harnesses, one for each dent, he needs way more but I'm cheap.
Drevent - 1000cu of pyronic ore, I heard he likes rocks.
Boda Shandis - Itani education disks, he might like learning about other cultures
IonicPaul - A turbocharger, so he can win more races. x
Itani Silencer - a datalink connector, it might improve his connection X
Tsreknor - A Life support system, he actually might outlive me.
Capt'N Blood - 120cu of synth wood. His limbs are looking a bit worn out.
Westacular - Fitness equipment, this one might be a little mean
Conducter - an EC repair manual, he'll need it if he evers tries to kill me in one
Kennyb - A single unit of Deneb Rum, so I can have way more dumb vc chats.
Demonicat - A charitable donation in his name to an orphanage.
Blood Thirsty - Agricultural supples, he really does need feeding.
FuddleDuck - 120cu of food, I know you're not supposed to feed the ducks.
Any Space Cow - 120cu of fine china, he'll probably break it
The Volumptuos Night Sky - 120cu of Rare books, hopefully one of them is an english phrase book
A-Dawg - Divinia Spices, "I'm so high right now, what is happening?"
Phaserlight - 20cu of synthwood, either so he can build a boat or carve a wizards staff.
Whistler - 120cu of medical supplies, I'm still disappointed he isn't a kindly old southern doctor
Incarnate and Raybondo - I'm not giving them anything until they give me back my childhood
SIGSEVG - A bottle of Dau wine, he'll have to wait a few years before he can drink it though
LazyPanda - 1cu of medical supplies, he clearly has an upset stomach.
Greenwall - A pressure release valve, so he can let off some steam.
John Waters - 120cu of... water, wait no please I can come up with something better I promise!
A 1971 Dodge Challenger- Engine Mounts, I hear he breaks down a lot
Weasy - 1cu of rare furniture, it should hopefully include a bed ... "Playing Final Fantasy XI for: 6 days"
Ren Aar - A pcb, so he can more easilly hold his victims still
Lemon Fox - A free visit to my church, no I'm serious everytime I hear about your life I want to cry.
Anewold - Emergency Repair kit, so that pinkus will survive longer than ten minutes with him flying it
draugath - Orun Collector Cores, probably useful for plugin development or something
Chon-Bo Koshor - synthetic gems, and a promise I'll get his name right
Osta-Po Zelina - synthetic diamonds, and a promise I'll get his name right
Tjgaming - A training neutron, so he can practice pvp.
Asella-Ba - Verasi Specialty Foods, as close as I could get to tradtional itallian cooking.
Rogue81 - One of her newbie kits given back to her, I shouldn't have gotten this in the first place.
Bikaka Pretolus - the commodities required for at least one of the reps he's grinding.
Vibralicious - fresh flowers, for making me a really cool screensaver.
The Heat - Orion Drill bits, I don't know why laser beams need drill bits but neither does he.
Defender-A2K255K8B - Consumer Robotics, he might have or be this already but i'm not sure
Diego Den Hoc - 50cu of food, he needs to eat better X
Blazzy - Icu of rare furniture. Now you have a chair. Leave the damn stations alone!
Sitri - 1cu of dried meat. Now stop devouring my newbies please.
Gigaballz - A recommendation for a name change. Please stop making me say your name. "I really like gigaballz"
Johnny Knoxville - 1cu of medical supplies, also sorry for making you the prime minister of a nation and then abandoning you for a year.
Espionage - One golden gay time.
Anthrax - A warranty from FAMY
Twitchytoes - Whatever he wants. Please stop PMing me "meow" when I log on.
12netjuan - Icu of personal defence systems "Because someone's going go after him the way he speaks, lovingly" IonicPaul
Munny - I'll buy the warranty for Anthrax from this guy.
Tob-Le Rone - Sedina Chocolates... wait no. He already fucking guessed it. Vegetable protein
Hawkfeather - Divinia spices. I hear that seasoning goes well with chicken
Aludra - A promise that I'm not Lisa lol
Chumboat - Fresh flowers and Sedina chocolates. I'm sorry please come back.
Anna Thelma - 3cu of SSS. I'll give you the other 800 I owe you over subsequence christmas'
Faille Corvelle - Ship paint... now please make me a model trident.
Itani Monk - Aelous light repair module... please just repair your fucking ship.
Stormtitty - Serco ale and engine mounts. Beer and engines... german shit.
Aven - Itani training wait An EC training manuel. Memorize that shit before you start a newbie guild
VeXed - A datapad containing instructions on how to /join 100 and /msg
If you're not on the list tell me. Santa never forgets...nor forgives.
No second chances. Imma puke in your favourite shoes and shit under the bed.
cheers, thanks bruh

Many thanks!
Haha, thanks!
That's a nice ice-cream bar TRS..... We should meet in game sometime & have a talk while having ice-cream