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Things you didn't know about your nation

Mar 05, 2004 Sheean link
1) Itani, unlike the other nations, use only one timezone, the time on one face of a planet, is the same as on the other side, and the same as on an other planet.
2) Most Itani can't write, they rely completely on other input methods.
3) All Itani wear small holographic identifiers displaying their name, profession, sex, age, hobbies, etc..etc..
4) Itani 'write' down their 'name' like so: [Title, sex] [First name] [Family name] [Age] so 'newbie's' name would be: [Pilot, male] [Newbie] [Newbfamily] [17]
5) If an Itani comes into a building for the first time, he will look what to do in case of an emergency
6) If something does goes wrong, they mostly panic and just run in a random direction
7) Most Itani has pets, if they can't have pets for whatever reason, they have robots. Pets with robot legs are also very popular.
8) Itani spend most of their time learning, if they have nothing to do, they grab a 'book' and learn whatever there is to learn.
9) On an Itani school you can get 10 points for every test, you must get atleast 8 points.
10) When an Itani is pregnant, they test the baby's IQ, if it's low they'll modify the baby.

Mar 05, 2004 raine link
1) Itani have genetic defects ;D

2) Neutrals are encouraged during training to employ cheap tactics such as insulting your opponent in public chat and running to sector 6
Mar 05, 2004 Magus link
Serco are known are to whine when beaten, critising their victim's attempts to defend themselves as "cheap" or "cowardly," while perched in their valkyries and prometheii attacking defenseless cargo transports.
Mar 05, 2004 Hoax link
- Serconians are known to fall for cheap tactics such as being insulted in public chat and lead to a hostile sector.

Mar 05, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
Serco are well known for willingly walking into traps and then reversing the ebb of the battle at the last minute when reinforcing serco flights arrive. More than one near defeat has turned into a slaughter with the victorious Serconian fighters flying through thick clouds of blood vapor, twisted steel, and debris clouds thousands of kilometers across.

Serconians have colored thier craft red after the original founder of the Serco Dominion was slaughtered while boarding his fighter to defend Prometheus Prime. The fighter was flown to space and led every single flight into battle and upon returning, all craft that partcipated were painted a blood red in tribute to the fallen leader. Many Serconian pilots themeselves painted their craft a shade of red to show their never ending loyalty to the Founder and also to show that they will sacrifice their own blood to stem the slaughter of their countrymen by flying wave after wave against hopeless odds while their friends, family and leaders escape.
Mar 08, 2004 Sheean link
Itani have painted their craft blue, because it was a pretty colour; and also because the Sercos suddenly started stealing their colour.