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Serco Dominion Lacking Force?

Apr 10, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
Okay, just 5 seconds ago I checked the "Active Players" menu and did ten minutes before as well, both times there have been 15 Blue, 8 Gold and 0, yes 0 Red...

Now, the question is this. Is this a fluke event or is this the sum of a remainder of a variable in an unbalanced equation? EG is the SD slowly being killed from the inside?

I've noticed in the past weeks that the Serco Dominion does appear to be shrinking in size and this is a VERY disturbing turn of events.

Please, if anyone knows the current Serco situation, please post because I have fought since my comming for Serco and we've come too far and set too much an example to die now!

Apr 10, 2004 Pirogoeth2 link
And it all started with SAW(The original one)

Wait until after the reset, see if Serco gains new life or dies off completely...
Apr 11, 2004 AgY link
Was a question of time. What you expect? Thats the peace the inm is fighting for. Dont tell me you dislike it to be alone in the universe Pirogoeth.
Apr 11, 2004 RelayeR link
I believe this is the result of the recent "Nation Bashing" that has been prevelent in-game. The return of SAW has inspired everyone to load general chat with digs on Serco.

I have two chars in the other two nations for picture taking. Yesterday was the first time I've ever used one of those chars for anything except pics or trading. This was because of an attack on my NT char. When UncleDave pointed out the error of my way...I gladly got my Serco char back online.

INM has recruited numerous Serco to their ranks and other vets just felt it was time for a change.

Apr 11, 2004 Pirogoeth2 link
'Peace' does not have to mean destruction of a nation in my view, maybe that is different from others. The problem is the way that Serco turned out... whether true or not everyone looks at Serco as a pack of griefers. Perhaps Relayer is right; all this unchecked piracy for such a long time has finally worn down too many people and they are all looking for a change.
Apr 11, 2004 Arolte link
The truth is there are way too many players in Itani nation. Or I should say way too many active players. Both Serco and Neutral Territories have moments where there can be less than three players on during a given time. Itani on the other hand always outnumber the other two nations, and sometimes outnumber both nations combined.

When CTF is taken out I don't think having a larger population will serve as much of an advantage as it does now. The bulk of the game will be based on a faction system, where practically everyone will be encouraged to group up in squadrons to complete missions and gain up in experience. The amount of sectors we'll have will also prevent individual players from being ganged up on and hunted down as easily.

I think it'll work out fine. Just remember that some people are taking a break from Vendetta because nothing major has been added to the current release. When some of those major changes are implemented, a lot of people will gain a new interest in the game and populations of all nations will begin to rise again. In addition, Guild Software has not even begun to do any serious stress testing to the servers. Once they actually advertise for the game you're going to see lots of people flock in.
Apr 11, 2004 ctishman link
/ooc. I don't claim to speak for Lady Serco or her Dominion here.

Remember what you've observed about the nature of community, Arolte. There are the die-hards, who will remain with our nation no matter what, but there is also a larger population of drifters whose only purpose is to be on the winning team. Winning can be a matter of being better in a fair fight, or it can be dependent upon an advantage.

Serco has always been weaker than others because we have always been saddled with two disadvantages.

1) Location, Location, Location.
The Serco Dominion's territory is a long, long way from any traditionally profitable trade route. In order to gain significant return-on-load, Serco traders must go into Itani or Neutral territory regularly, risking piracy. Other nations have a secret sector proximal to their home stations with a consistently valuable trade good. Prices fluctuate, but the baseline value of a good is static.
Furthermore, any tactical advantage granted by this remoteness is negated by the proximity of neutral stations in 5 and 13. While a force assaulting the flag of the Itani has Sector 7 as an entry and respawn point, and the Neutral flag sectors are flanked by one distant station and one difficult-to-reach secret one, Serco defenders must watch two (or three, technically) stations for massing attack forces. Both of these stations are easily accessible and on the midline route a capping group would take (13 is 12gate-station-11gate, 5 is 12gate-station-8gate). We have Sector 12, which some complain causes lag due to its size, but such lag is always correctable with adjustment in detail settings. Serco must be constantly on guard.

2) The Prometheus
You knew this one was coming. The Valkyrie is quicker to accelerate than any player-pilotable ship in the game, far tougher than any other fighter in its class, and able to pack enough weaponry to take down any other ship out there. The Maurauder has far and away the best size-to-cargo ratio in the game, and maneuvers like a fighter, thus allowing it to defend itself from attack by dodging.
The Serco Prometheus is heavily armored, has a large slot and a middling profile. That's about it. Large hull means nothing in the current game's terms. A tri-gauss Valk or dual-rail vult with an average pilot can easily destroy a Prometheus with a skilled pilot from out of reach of its gatling and flares. I have personally won battles against opponents thus armed and skilled, but that is only because they made a mistake or got overconfident. A Prom pilot can go through a fight and make no mistakes, yet be completely overpowered by his opponents' superior maneuverability.
"But the Prom is a bomber" you argue. A bomber for what? I ask. "For heavy targets they'll put in later". We've been waiting almost six months for something for the Prom to bomb. The game's coming out this summer, so there's not gonna be any significant gameplay changes or a purpose for the ship. Face it.

Those are the two primary disadvantages that the Serco are at, and have been at since the 3.0.0 switchover. We have risen and fallen in power over that time, but never have we been equal to the Itani in fighting ability or the Neutrals in trading ability. Thus, Serco has always been fighting for its soldiers as the opportunists arrive in the community and switch over to the Itani when they realize what an advantage it would give them.
Apr 11, 2004 genka link
This is the part where I stick in a blurb about bringing the prom back to it's original self.
Apr 11, 2004 Arolte link
Hmmm... I'm not too sure about your points. I think Serco Nation can have a lot of advantages. In your first point sectors 12 and 5 come to mind. What is it that makes them stand out? Well they're huge. And while it makes trading harder, it makes defending easier. That means the enemy has to travel at over twice the distance than any other nation when capturing the flag.

Sector 12 also has the standard three bot types. Newbies and botters can kill all the bots they want without risking death from other players in sectors like 8 and 11. In addition, sector 5 contains two stations, allowing newbie traders to trade between the two stations, without having the increased risk of encountering pirates while traveling between different sectors.

As for the Prometheus, I agree that a slight hull boost would be nice. Definitely not as high as it was before, but just enough to give it that edge in strength. Armored should MEAN armored! Other than that I think it makes a wonderful defensive ship. For what it's worth I have yet to die in a Prometheus while protecting the flag. Still, I wouldn't be confident enough to take it out of the home sectors with the current form that it is now. They're still pretty easy to take down in even nonspecial fighters.
Apr 11, 2004 Magus link
Reduce the agility on the valk and I'll bet you'll see a spike in Serco and NT populations.
Apr 11, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
ctishman has been watching "The Appretice" too much.

Anyways, with these devlopments, I must put out a call to any remaining Serco craft and to those recent defectors to look at the errors of your ways and return. To our Lost-Ones, please return, whether you are simply not playing or left our glorious nation, return and we shall again see the glory of the Serco Dominion!
Apr 11, 2004 roguelazer link
Red hasn't been equal to Blue since 3.0? Interesting, since we ALL HAD THE SAME SHIPS, and there were no secret traderoutes... Furthermore, I find your assumption that everyone else has profitable stations close by offensive. Sector 5 is far, far better than sector 14. If you'd like to trade, I'd be glad. :P And the valk, well, I see more reds than blues with it. But I don't get out enough to see everybody, I suppose.
Apr 11, 2004 ctishman link
erm, Serco had the fighter advantage with the Vult's low profile in 2.x.
The current system of ships was introduced in 3.0.0. Specials and all. Now, the Valk has actually been substantially downgraded since then, and still rules the game. That point's not in contention. About more Serco using it than Itani, I'd rather that the moneybugging SAW not be brought into this. They're out of the economic system's limitations until the next reset.

Remember 3.0, pre secret sectors, when the only good worth trading were those high-value xithricite crystals that were available in Sector 7? Itani went one sector for them, Neutrals 2, Serco had to go four jumps from home.

Sector 5 is not far better than 14. 14 has minerals. 5 has...erm... goods that have been massively devalued by constant traderunning between the two stations.
Apr 11, 2004 roguelazer link
No it wasn't. Secret sectors and specials came in 3.2.0. 3.0.0 had all of the ships equal. Each nation had a light, medium and heavy, all with the same stats down to the letter. 3.0.0 also had infinite cargo space, docking allowed in ALL sectors and only one type of bot. There weren't even Itani, Neutral and Serco. AND, in 3.0 the big cargo was in sc9. The traderun was 9-4/5/6. Profit was equal without the nation mattering. Read the old trade profit site if you don't believe me.

And 5 is better than 14. The stuff from far 5 station sells better than the stuff from 14. Take them both to somewhere equally distant, like 10, and check.
Apr 11, 2004 ctishman link
Oh yeahhhh. Heh, I got my 3.0 and 3.2 mixed up! Doh!

That (Lady Serco butts in: "small, insignificant, foolish and temporary!") victory aside, how much profit per unit can an Itani trader make on Rare Metals hauled in to 4 from Sector 14? (peak values, when nobody's traded the route for a while). I'm at work now, or I'd check cargo values from S5 and 13.
Apr 11, 2004 aeternalis link
> "Hmmm... I'm not too sure about your points. I think Serco Nation can have a lot of advantages. In your first point sectors 12 and 5 come to mind. What is it that makes them stand out? Well they're huge. And while it makes trading harder, it makes defending easier. That means the enemy has to travel at over twice the distance than any other nation when capturing the flag." <

True, sectors 5 and 12 are fairly large, and that has an advantage at times. However, it does not make defending any easier. Just a little bit of spacing in s12 will keep you out of range from radars and defbots. Heck, half the time, you could just fly straight toward s2 without a single defbot aware of your presense in the sector. Finding cappers spaced even 4km out can be extremely difficult. Not fun when the INM has grabbed your flag a good five or six times...
Apr 14, 2004 Durgia link
I don't think it has anything to do with trade routes.

Personally I saw over 10 newbs leave serco to go to NT and around 15ish or so to Itani. I also see 4 Serco Vets going Itani and 2 to NT.

The main reason the newbs left(the ones I talked to) was because they said ppl were rude and not helpful. (not saying other nations are I am just stating what I was told)

The vets that left Serco to Itani were because of SAW.

I have no idea why 2 went to NT.

But I do know that when SAW came around we had a HUGE application boost for the INM. I mean HUGE. We had ppl from all 3 nations wanting to make Itani chars and fight SAW.

Now that SAW is turning a new leaf apparently, and the reset coming perhaps some of these ppl will migrate back.
Apr 14, 2004 UncleDave link
Ok, it looks like its "attack Arolte's posts day" for me, so...

"Hmmm... I'm not too sure about your points. I think Serco Nation can have a lot of advantages. In your first point sectors 12 and 5 come to mind. What is it that makes them stand out? Well they're huge. And while it makes trading harder, it makes defending easier. That means the enemy has to travel at over twice the distance than any other nation when capturing the flag."

Say what? Capturing the flag? People still DO that? Its a pretty crappy "advantage". What good are larger home sectors with no defenders on?

"Sector 12 also has the standard three bot types. Newbies and botters can kill all the bots they want without risking death from other players in sectors like 8 and 11. In addition, sector 5 contains two stations, allowing newbie traders to trade between the two stations, without having the increased risk of encountering pirates while traveling between different sectors."

Wrong, wrong, WRONG. Pirates frequent sector 5, meaning Serco newbies that venture out get raped. Botting? Fun. Yeah, this is all very nice, but nobody does any of this stuff any more.

Its time to face up to this, Serco will be in its current nerfed state until perhaps the commercial release. Until then, I really can't see a point in playing/testing/whatever. I love my nation, but it just keeps getting kicked in the face.

Ku knows what he's talking about here. It needs to be fixed.
Apr 14, 2004 Magus link
Add an S-port to the prom and give it 20k armor.
Apr 14, 2004 Arolte link
Ignorance is a bliss. Let the flaming begin!

/me lights up his flamethrower

Okay here we go...

>Say what? Capturing the flag? People still DO that? Its a pretty crappy "advantage".
>What good are larger home sectors with no defenders on?

Some of us Serco actually defend our flag. The discussion is about the benefits of having a larger sector, not whether Serco are on to even defend the flag. You're making an argument out of nothing here. It's pretty much a given that the Itani have only recently been able to capture the flag when zero Serco are on to defend. But getting back to the actual point, having a larger sector increases the travel time required to get in and out of the sector. This means more time for you and the NPCDEFs to attack in defense.

>Wrong, wrong, WRONG. Pirates frequent sector 5, meaning Serco newbies that
>venture out get raped. Botting? Fun. Yeah, this is all very nice, but nobody does
>any of this stuff any more.

Right, right, RIGHT. When you're only trading in a single large sector, especially oen with two stations, your chances of getting pirates are decreased. Most pirates travel around s7, s8, and s9. Rarely have I seen any in s5 during my time on. But even if that's the case the newbie would be smart enough to leave or go to another sector. I was just saying that as a general rule of thumb, because the trader isn't going around every single frickin' sector with a "PIRATE ME!" sign waving over their ship, their chances of encountering a pirate is greatly reduced. Not gone, but reduced.

>Its time to face up to this, Serco will be in its current nerfed state until perhaps the
>commercial release. Until then, I really can't see a point in playing/testing/
>whatever. I love my nation, but it just keeps getting kicked in the face.

The only problem I see is the accessibility and ease of use of the Valkyrie ship to the Itani. I and many other people still enjoy being on Serco simply because we're not hooked on the Valkyrie (heh, sounds like a drug). We're not interesting in simply winning the game. We're interested in having fun. Once ships, weapons, etc. have all been balanced out and each nation starts to have more distinct advantages/disadvantages, I think all the current bandwagon jumpers will wake up and help distribute the game population more.

Also, remember that this is only a test. The amount of people we have in the game now is only a fraction of what it will become. Guild Software hasn't done any major advertising yet, and we're already getting into arguments about how the nations aren't balanced out? Yeesh. Check the Vendetta Test page again. Note how it says that Vendetta Test is not a complete (or even accurate) representation of what the final game is supposed to be.

Lastly, the final game will be more faction oriented than nation oriented. Gameplay will be focused on smaller groups (squadrons, companies, fleets, etc.) of people rather than entire nations. The nations are only there to set a background and identity for each character in the game. So for all we know friendly fire will be turned on and we may encounter enemies of our OWN nation as each character develops. In other words it'll get to the point where having larger populations won't necessarily mean having greater advantages. CTF won't even be in the final game!

>Ku knows what he's talking about here. It needs to be fixed.

Maybe Ku Genin can speak for himself. In the meantime some people need to chill out and play the game for the fun that it is. So what if Itani is "raping" our flag when nobody is on. People will continue having petty arguments. Traders will continue getting pirated. Blah blah blah. By the end of April all that money will be gone and the game will be one more step towards being a better final product. And hopefully by June or July we'll all look back at these silly arguments and laugh at how so many people panicked about the dumbest stuff.