Forums » Role Playing

Reset Resolutions

Apr 26, 2004 SirCamps link
Well, it's that time again. There was an old thread, but times have changed, and the community has as well.

This is the place to list your chars and how you will role-play them in the post-reset version of 3.4. I'll start:

Serco Fighter 1: A menace to Itani and Neutral Territories pilots of all walks of life, this fighter will attack most on sight without warning. Incredibly loyal to Serco and intent on victory.

Bacix Tenra: The man who pilots Serco Fighter 1. When not on-duty, he has his own agenda.

Warrior of the Sun: Driven by honor. Might attack his own teammates if he sees an injustice. Fights for the truth.

Defense Ship 4: Serco defense char. Found in 2, 5, 12, or 13.

SirCamps: General goof-off and newbie training char.
Apr 26, 2004 Defy link
Defy: Kills who he wants when he wants...
Apr 26, 2004 ctishman link
Ku Genin: Serco bard and a keeper of Prometheus' flame, he considers it his task to forward the interests of the Dominion in honorable ways. Though he can kill if attacked, more often he prefers to avoid combat.

Serco Monk #1: A Serco monk. He does monkish stuff.
Apr 26, 2004 Sheean link
newbie: Same as ever; always non-hostile (unless he's in a very bad mood)
more characters: I'll see..
Apr 26, 2004 Arolte link
Unfortunately I didn't meet the goals of my last resolutions. So I'll try again this time. An improved chat system would go a long way towards keeping the hostility to a minimum, but I suppose we'll have to do with what we've got now. For those who have held a grudge against me in the past (alienb, that includes you), think of this reset as a clean slate. Behave in a friendly manner and I will return the favor. Likewise goes for me.
Apr 26, 2004 Hoax link
Hoax will once again try to not swear at anybody no matter how much they deserve swearing at. Or despite the fact that there is a censor and they can turn it on. I keep it on and thusley my swearing doesn't bother me a bit, but anyway...
Apr 26, 2004 Blitz link
Blitz - kick ass.
Apr 26, 2004 Suicidal Lemming link
Suicidal Lemming: Eats pie.
Fish: Blubs till people scream.
My Red Char Person Thingy: Learn to fight.
Apr 26, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
[SDF] Black 1: CO, SDF...commands the SDF, fights for the glory of the Serco Dominion, does commander stuff
Apr 26, 2004 Phoenix_I link
Phoenix: Most feared pirate in the galaxy.
Last known location: Smuggling dev goods out of 23.
Apr 26, 2004 Defy link
you wish phoe
Apr 26, 2004 Xorbital link
I promise to set a kindlin' everything I can!
Apr 27, 2004 Spider link
Anansi: Get overly annoyed at goodfornothing griefers.
Spider: Hibernating until later.
Apr 27, 2004 UncleDave link
UncleDave: Having gone AWOL on a soul-searching journey, he has at last found the truth behind Serco's agenda and has decided that it fits his own in however small a way. No longer does he fight solely for the Lady- he fights for himself and for the protection of Serco citizens- and will never again take civilian life in vain.
Apr 27, 2004 andreas link
?: Only fights in self-defense or to defend others. Never touches cargo he didn't buy himself. Hates griefers and noob-killers, but accepts pirating as part of the game (that doesn't mean he is not going to kill you if he sees you pirating).
Apr 27, 2004 Spellcast link
Spellcast: the brains of the SDF. in general handles day to day operations and tries to keep his CO from making himself look like a 2 bit dictator. Desperately wishes he could sever all of black 1's comlines and store him in a closet and only bring him out to lead parades and stuff. :) An all around nice guy, tries to help noobs and train people who need help. The anti-fighter pilot, rarely if ever gets into anything with a reaction time greater than that of a bloated cow.
Spellcast has only 1 person on his KOS list, and thats phoenix. He might be the most feared pirate, but he doesent scare me. (much)
Apr 27, 2004 Durgia link
Durgia: Learn to fight with flares, I mean its been a year and I still cannot hit the broad side of a rag with them:D

Apr 27, 2004 Sheean link
Well, better than me; I can't even hit the broad side of a barn. So they say..
Apr 27, 2004 Pirogoeth2 link
Pirogoeth - Continue not to back down from vet, and squeeze every bit of entertainment he can from them. Still no resolution to be a good little newb.

[INM]Piroko - Facultas procul terminus solus inquit teneo.
Apr 27, 2004 genka link
[syn]n00b will stay your everyday friendly pie-rat of many deaths, feared by newbs and no-one else.
RedTeamCat 1 wil meow.
Baron Koob will possibly come on more often
And the rest of the losers might be used a bunch for various reasons.