Forums » Role Playing

Player Hub

Jun 24, 2004 Morbidly Wrong link
uh i think we need to designate a hub for communications...

a place in all 3 nation controlled areas that players can get together and hang out... maybe even a 4th place in common space to take the place of the old sector9.

any suggestions?

Jun 24, 2004 silentsuicide link
well today we got quite a large group that all just wound up in the same sector for no reason other than that it had something lots of people wanted. That place was Odia M-17 Corvus Stronghold. I would like to suggest that as the central zone. There are no def bots there and it is a neutral faction.
Jun 24, 2004 Arolte link
Corvus isn't neutral. Bah! One of the Neutral Star factions would be more appropriate, since everyone starts off with a clean slate with 'em with the new universe release.
Jun 24, 2004 Suicidal Lemming link
I'm -200 and I can dock.