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Thanks, Guild

Sep 02, 2004 Celkan link
We find ourselves in a tavern (the Makchuga) with wooden tables and chairs, and a bar complete with stools. People are scattered throughout the room, seated at tables and at the bar. There are singletons, couples, and groups of three or four sprinkled around the place. In particular, one especially large group is seated at a long table.

Nobody is seated at the head of the table, not yet anyway. Seated to the right of the head chair is a young, blue eyed blonde. Seated on the her chair's armrest is a small mammal. To the blonde's right are two women in warrior's armor. To their right, a cyborg sits silently. To the left of the head of the table is a powerful-looking man wearing a military uniform and a blue cloak. Across from the two warrior-women are a monk and a pirate... odd seating choice for the two of them. Across from the cyborg is another man in a military uniform and cloak, and to his left another pirate, this one with a blue streak in his hair. The other four seats are occupied by four civilian-types, who look somewhat out of place, but still fit in. The one sitting on the end of the table is wearing a pair of glasses, as is the one to his right.

"Where is he?" asks the cyborg.

"One may not rush the oncoming of the future," replied the monk.

"I say we just go out there, find him, shoot him, and drag him back here," said one of the pirates.

"Hear hear," said the other.

Suddenly an excited young man bursts through the entrance to the tavern.

"Hey guys!" he exclaims. "Wait till you look at this!" The three women look at each other.

"Bet it's pr0n," says the younger of the three.

"Bet it's worse than that," says the blonde. "Bet he xeroxed his privates and wants us to guess what they are." Everybody present snickered.

"Stop being so pessimistic," the older of the two warriors said, still giggling. "Maybe he does have something useful to show us."

The young man came up to the table and sat down at the empty seat at the head.

"So StarFreeze," the man at the other end of the table started, "What have you got for us?"

StarFreeze grinned. He winked at the man next to him, and tossed a small metal object onto the table.

The object bounced once before stopping in the center of the table. Suddenly, the top half of it popped off and ribbons and confetti went flying everywhere. The small mammal snuck off the blonde's armrest and started to chew on a red ribbon as soon as it though nobody was looking. A hologram appeared from the half still sitting on the table. It read: "Good luck with the release, Guild Software! Thanks for all the good times!"

Waitresses appeared with food and drink, and all were happy. Even the ribbon-eating mammal.


As was said in the short story, I think we all wish Guild good luck with the release, and thank them for the good times we have all shared.
Sep 02, 2004 roguelazer link
Hear here!
Sep 04, 2004 zamzx zik link
Sep 05, 2004 paedric link
"No applause, just throw money."
Sep 05, 2004 Celkan link
Kudos to those who can name each person by their location AND appearance.

StarFreeze doesn't count, as his name is mentioned.
Sep 05, 2004 aeternalis link
Great, now I have to try...
This is assuming these are real people that actually play Vendetta, rather than characters used in Verd's stories.

The blue-eyed blonde sitting to the right of the head chair would be Viriana (or Verdandi?), with Lemming as the small animal hanging out with her and going nuts for ribbons. To Viri's right would be evoli and Aeternalis (I assume), and to their right is toshiro, the cyborg. Left of the head of the table is Roguelazer or FiReMaGe (er... right?), and across from the two women sit Ku Genin (The monk... I think). Icarus is our pirate of the moment sitting next to Ku. As for the other man in the cloak, I'm *guessing* is either Rogue or FiReMaGe (or hell, it may just be Pheonix or something), and the other pirate with the blue streak in his hair would be someone I've read about somewhere and simply can't recall at the moment (Pheonix? Sam? Ahh!). And I have no idea who the civilians are...

Er. I got Lemming right (I hope...)!

[EDIT] Okay, fine, so the civs are the devs. I was going to say that...
Sep 06, 2004 Kuvagh link
Aren't all of Verd's characters actual players? I just thank my lucky stars that, as yet, I haven't been written into one. At least as far as I know.

Sep 07, 2004 ctishman link
Good wishes for Guild are unneccessary. They will succeed. It is written.
Sep 09, 2004 toshiro link
hmm. contrary to what i said earlier, i am not, in fact, a cyborg, but an android, since i have no human tissue whatsoever (my avatar's brain is not a human one).
please take note and forgive me for my mishap.


oy, an evil typo. now -> not

Sep 09, 2004 Pyro link
If you have a human brain, that makes you a cyborg, not an android. An android is 100% artificial.

*glares at Verd*
Where's my cameo? :P