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Return of the "IN?"

Oct 12, 2004 maj_armstrong link
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Brothers of the Great Light,
I am sending you this message so that you might prepare our people for our return. Spread the message so that our people shall not despair.

When will it happen, I've heard the rumors as you all have. The return of the Great Itani Light can't be far away now, can it.

Will a great Itani Monk rise to bring direction to the Great Light that is the Itani Nation.

Will the Great Itani people again bring light, knowlege and peace to this turbulent universe?


The terrible Sero Darkness spreads swiftly and surely over all.

WHO! who will stand against the coming storm of DARKNESS!
Who will save us from the doom that is the Serco Dominion...

Have heart all who seek the light, Stand fast! you who find strength in truth for the light is returning...

Brother R********* of the Ancient Order Of Light.

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Oct 13, 2004 toshiro link
+++incoming transmission: mv3 tightbeam –– source: SNS Raven+++

It is unjust how the infamous Itani repose on their current façade of peacfulness when they were the ones who brought mistrust and genocide upon these once peacefully colonized worlds.

Rally, my brothers and sisters! Remember our once great prudence and tactfulness, to overthrow the fascist triumvirate government in place!

Oct 13, 2004 ctishman link
+++incoming transmission: mv3 tightbeam –– source: Faithkeeper-1+++

Indeed, Brother Toshiro!
Is this not the same Itani Nation who railed against us, threatened us in days of old with their unnatural non human-based technology? Was it not the Itani who bombed our great cities to dust?

To think that they now come to us expecting sympathy! How short do they think our memory is? Their talk of a 'great light' is of another blast crater over a civilian target, no doubt.
To the Itani fools who would consider rising against us, you asked how long you must wait?

You must wait until your sun cools and your planet freezes. You must wait until the stars withdraw to the galactic core. You must wait until all life is extinguished from the universe, for though it be with our dying breath, we will burst your heart with our blade, and laugh as your lifeblood drains away.

There will be no armistice for murderers and peddlers of genocide.
Oct 13, 2004 Celkan link
I would like to point out that it is the SERCO that have the triumvirate. the Itani have a government run by three monks.
Oct 13, 2004 Pyro link
Ya know, cybernetic implants aren't quite natural, either... :P
Oct 13, 2004 Pirogoeth2 link
Hah! the serco speak of us bombing their citizens when they themselves shoot down harmless traders? And you think us the fools? You hid your pirates among civilians, should we have let them go? To kill our innocents another day? The Serco will never reign, nor will we ever let their pirates destroy our shipping!
Oct 13, 2004 Pyro link
*sits off to the side, grabs some popcorn, and watches as the Itani and Serco duke it out*

Oooo, purty glowy colors...
Oct 14, 2004 toshiro link
hokay... I was actually referring to the Serco Dominions triumvirate, Celkan.

Be that as it may, the fact that the Itani have a government run by three monks makes it no better than the triumvirate. Religion is an ill advisor for political matters, and a government not run by the people is solely for belligerent intentions, not for long-term politics.

As to what Pyro said: why aren't they natural? "Natural" is just a qualifier, that can be fitted to any way of perceiving thing. The Serco have been using cybernetic enhancements for a long time now, enough to allow them to call the other, non-enhanced humans "unnatural"... and vice versa.

+++ incoming transmission: mv3 tightbeam –– source: SNS Raven +++

Contrary to my brother in arms ctishman, I have to say (and I speak for the entire android population of the Serco Dominions) that I do not believe in the murder of our enemies (I prefer a honest battle), but rather leaving them behind as far as technical and social development are concerned, so they do not pose a threat to us any longer. They are the ones who incited the great war to commence, caused us to act rashly and drive them from the planet.

What our enemies seem to fail to perceive is the fact that the triumvirate is not, I repeat, *not* the voice of the people.

And no, there will be no armistice with the Itani, especially not since they protect a terrorist force (and now, seemingly, two) bearing arms against all that bears the name of "Serco".
Oct 14, 2004 Pirogoeth2 link
Monks do not necessarily mean religion, toshiro.

Serco have held many a great force of pirates and terrorists in their folds! Even assisted them from time to time!
Oct 14, 2004 Pyro link

1. Present in or produced by nature: a natural pearl.
2. Of, relating to, or concerning nature: a natural environment.
3. Conforming to the usual or ordinary course of nature: a natural death.

As I was saying... :P
Oct 14, 2004 AlienB link
The Order is watching.
Oct 14, 2004 toshiro link
@ Pirogoeth2:

What else does "monk" mean if not a person who has joined with a religious group?
It matters little how you call the group. Besides, what else would the Itani have left, if not religion, to cling to?


You did nothing but provide an excerpt of a dictionary. If that was the solution to all discussions, we wouldn't have any. My point still stands: "natural" is a qualifier heavily influenced by personal, read: subjective, experiences and almost dogmatic views.
If you were to meet, say, a cristalline lifeform (or one that is gaseous, or one made of energy), would you call it "unnatural"? What if androids, who are deemed to be as unnatural as it gets, were separated from everything and found means to reproduce themselves (involving everything that reproduction entails and/or requires)?

I know that the enhancements are not given to us Serco by birth, but our bodies have evolved around the "implants", implementing them into our metabolisms.

Also, may I ask how you treat if someone has a severed limb? Do you tell him that he is unfortunate and that he will never be able to walk again, or do you give him crutches? If you do the latter, you have made the first step towards enhancing the human body with technical means.
Oct 14, 2004 Pyro link
"Also, may I ask how you treat if someone has a severed limb? Do you tell him that he is unfortunate and that he will never be able to walk again, or do you give him crutches? If you do the latter, you have made the first step towards enhancing the human body with technical means."
I never said that it's *bad*, just that it's not *natural*. I don't think he grew a pair of crutches out of his arms...

"If you were to meet, say, a cristalline lifeform (or one that is gaseous, or one made of energy), would you call it "unnatural"?"
Does it occur in nature? Yes. Sounds natural to me...
Oct 14, 2004 toshiro link
define "nature". besides, by that argumentation, enhancements are perfectly natural, because they occur in nature. the crutches, e.g. do not have to be "grown" on the subject. he has to merely use them. even the most basic tools are enhancements.

also, there are no cristalline lifeforms known to man, so it is not "natural" by your definition.

Oct 14, 2004 Pyro link
Cool, show me where I can find a crutch tree... :P
Oct 14, 2004 toshiro link
Serco Prime is almost covered by them!

Seriously though, I deem the adjective "natural" to be a product of the perceptions of a group of people, not as an absolute value. Therefore, we could even smash one another's head in and still both be equally right about this.
Oct 14, 2004 Pyro link
Agreed, but the problem is where to draw the line. Unfortunately, it's not all black and white...
Oct 14, 2004 ctishman link
You think that's a good thing? I've been clearing neck-brace-bushes and cast-berries off my lawn for the better part of twenty years! Damned annoyances!

(but convenient if you break something)
Oct 15, 2004 toshiro link
Pyro, I agree with you that the difference between "enhanced" and "untouched" is fuzzy at best. That is why it has to be drawn by every single person her/himself.

But those who decide one way should not render judgement on people who decided differently, that's all I'm basically saying. And, to be frank, this question is what started the war(s) originally.
Oct 15, 2004 Tyrdium link
And that's why I just wander around the universe in my bus. :P