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Story: "Watashi no Zai Ai no Yukinari no Tameno"

Aug 29, 2005 Celkan link
Entry 27
August 29, 4433
Corvus Hold, Odia M-14

I was perusing through my logs last night, and I found this entry from the twenty-second of February:

Today we got to pick our flight partners/copilots for the rest of the one and a half year course. Most cadets went with their roommates, but Morwen and Yukinari's roommate Katarn were kind enough to pair up with each other so that Yukinari and I could be together.

They also started our energy focus training today. Until now, we had flown our ships with the traditional VR interface and controls--the instructor would remain in the back maintaining a close watch over the ship with his or her energy focus, should the need to take over arise. I've been very quick with the concepts they taught us today so far--I was able to elicit a response from the device according to the instructor who was working with Yukinari and I, more than most of the other cadets in our section.

Morwen commented to me yesterday that she only saw me in the room when I was sleeping or changing my clothes, and I laughed. I have indeed taken to doing my after-class work in Yukinari's room--it seems I spend most of my time in there these days--and Morwen is right. I do spend most of my waking hours (that are not spent in class) in his room.

Of course, whether I'm fully awake and working in there or taking a nap on his bed as he works next to me is another matter entirely.

I did spend a lot of time in his room. I think I ran Katarn out a few times, in fact--I remember one incident clearly when Yukinari and I came back from class one day... Katarn was already in the room doing his assigned work. He looked up as the door opened, saw me next to Yukinari, gathered up his stuff and remarked to Yukinari as he passed us on his way out,

"Let me back in before 0400."

I could see Yukinari's ears turn bright red as he glanced at me; I assume I had a similarly embarrassed expression as he quickly started chuckling as soon as Katarn had left our sight.

Needless to say, I was out of the room by 2200--and Katarn managed to get more than the two or three hours of sleep he was implying we weren't going to let him get. If Yukinari and I were ever up past midnight we weren't generally in the room anyway--we were outside looking at the stars.
Aug 30, 2005 Celkan link
Entry 28
August 30, 4433
Corvus Hold, Odia M-14

Yukinari and I started spending time outside in the beginning of March, as this entry from the twelfth relates in addition to noting the continuing dinner dates:

Yukinari and I have made a game out of our energy focus practice sessions in the afternoon:

We take a sponge and a bucket of water with us out to one of the several parks around campus. Of course, we bring portable EF units that are used for planetside tasks--in this case, practice in their use. We soak the sponge with the water first, then toss it back and forth using fields we generate with the EF units. If one of us misses with our field or loses concentration, we get wet. Once in a while someone gets soaked a few times in a row, but usually both of us are quite dry even after an hour of tossing the sponge back and forth.

Sometimes Morwen and Katarn join in on the fun, and sometimes we even add another sponge or two to the mix just to keep everyone on their "toes". If we have more than three sponges when the four of us are playing, though, we all get wet rather quickly. It's still quite a bit of fun whatever the outcome.

Yukinari and I went out a few nights ago, this time to a place I chose--a small, family-run restaurant on the outskirts of Pacifica. Mahri's is a quiet seafood restaurant that I always enjoyed going to on family trips to Pacifica when I was younger. I'm surprised Yukinari didn't know about it--he seems to know everything about this city--but he enjoyed the food anyway, and that made me happy.

Vacation's coming up soon, so I wonder what I (or we) will be doing. Maybe Yukinari would like to come and visit my family. It's a shot. I'll ask him tomorrow.
Aug 31, 2005 Celkan link
Entry 29
August 31, 4433
Corvus Hold, Odia M-14

Yukinari and I decided to go hiking in the Denola mountains for our week off. I've collected the logs from the trip, so here they are (April 1st and 3rd):

Yukinari and I got a ride out to the small town of Lyora with a classmate who was going back to visit family. We used equipment from the school, so we didn't have to buy anything other than food and drink for the trip. The hike was easy at first--until we got to the steeper slopes. Sunday (the 30th) we camped out along a small river we found and had decided to follow.

Last night we camped at the foot of a waterfall along the river's path upstream--nice quiet place in the woods with a small pool of water big enough to swim in. I made Yukinari go get some wood for a campfire while I washed--two days of hiking uphill doesn't leave you all that clean--and traded places with him when I was done.

Dinner was simple--we used the water from the waterfall to make tea and rice, and ate it with a light curry-like sauce we had bought in Lyora.

As night fell, and the stars came out, Yukinari and I lay down in the grass, pointing out constellations to each other. Soon I could feel his arm around my shoulders, and I responded by moving closer to him. Soo--

Hold it.

*pause of several seconds*

I actually put that in there? Next time I'm looking these over before reading them into a log entry... let's skip over this stuff... go figure. That leaves one sentence left:

What was lost last night was nowhere near as valuable to me now as what I gained--a person that I hope to share the rest of my life with.

I think the entry from the third is shorter and certainly more usable in a public setting...

The view from this ledge is absolutely breathtaking at dawn--one can see the sunlight glinting off of the tall buildings in Pacifica (currently a small shiny grey mass to the east of us) which gives the city a warm orange-yellow glow. I can see my hometown, Siren's Call, off in the distance along the shore south of Pacifica. (I pointed it out to Yukinari when he woke up.) We stayed here on the ledge last night, watching the small pinpricks of light moving to and from the city that marked the comings and goings of the cargo haulers.

We start back to Lyora today--we'll stay at the waterfall again tomorrow and then finish off the rest of the hike back to Lyora on Friday. Hopefully our classmate hasn't returned to school yet; Yukinari probably would rather get a ride from a friend than from a stranger. I'm going to miss this hiking trip, but I'm sure for the next vacation we'll do something similar.
Sep 05, 2005 Celkan link
Entry 30
September 5, 4433
Corvus Hold, Odia M-14

I've spent at least the past week in this station--sleeping in my quarters and spending the day tending the bar on the observation deck, perusing my flight school logs in my spare time. There was a race a few days ago that started here--the Deneb Run--that I helped out with by supplying the racers with drinks and food after the race.

So much of my time has been spent in unaligned "grey" space that I've become used to the crowd that hangs out here. However, most of the people who I used to spend time with in this area are either gone or are too busy elsewhere to visit. Borb exemplefies the former, and Drift could be either, but I'd lean towards the latter.

So many of the people I talk with now are pirates who stop in briefly for a drink before leaving--very much like it was with Yukinari just under a year ago.

Currently, however, due to the large amount of crap because of the Itani Alliance's loss of their new top-secret-but-not-so-top-secret-anymore-project, I've been spending time chatting with Leber and Smitty a lot. I spend most of the time trying to keep on the other side of the table rather than actually chatting when Smitty is there, but what can you do with a fool? I digress...

It's been over a month since I last saw Drift/Yukinari--and it's beginning to adversely affect my sleep again. This feeling of not knowing what has happened makes me sick, and gives me nightmares. The worst so far involved the operation itself... instead of waiting outside Medlabs and getting the bad news from one of the surgeons there, I was one of the surgeons. I had to do the operation myself, not knowing what to do--not knowing what the operation consists of on my own outside of the dream is scary enough, believe me--and no matter what I did it would come out horribly wrong.

And the absolute horror I feel from that is nothing compared to what I feel when I have to go out and tell myself what happened.
Sep 06, 2005 smittens link
Sep 06, 2005 Ory''Hara link
/me takes a pool cue to Smittens =P
Sep 06, 2005 Borb II link
Still great.
Sep 08, 2005 Celkan link
Entry 31
September 8, 4433
Corvus Hold, Odia M-14

I received a message from the Medlabs this morning stating the following:

We regret to inform you that due to complications during his surgical operation, Yukinari Sasaki (identified as "Drift" in Medlabs records) has passed away. In this situation, we were not given clear instructions on what to do if this eventwere to occur, and as such have not attempted recloning Mr. Sasaki.

As the only person who could be found that is or was close enough to Mr. Sasaki to be considered family, we are asking you what you wish to be done in this situation. Please reply as soon as you can.

I sat there for a good half hour, staring at the screen in shock--not moving, not speaking, not even crying--and then I fell apart.

I screamed. I cried. I kicked and punched everything solid I could find that was welded or bolted down. I was like this for a good two and a half hours--and after that I still could barely get the courage to send a reply to the Medlabs.

I didn't know what he would want. Nobody would know what he would want. All I could do was go to Jallik and see him one last time to say goodbye.

I sent the Medlabs a response relaying that I didn't want them to do anything until I got to Jallik Watch.

I will probably ask for his DNA and data to be put on file, just in case times change and he's needed again or I just can't stand to not know he's out there somewhere.

Because that was the one thing comforting me this past year...

I always knew he was out there somewhere.
Sep 08, 2005 Celkan link
[joke]And so ends Season 1.[/joke]

I'd really like to thank everyone who was around and accepted all the stuff that I spouted in relation to this story--I know some of you were confused, some were annoyed by some of my griping about missing Yukinari--and I'd really like to thank those of you who *participated* in this whole thing. If your name is mentioned in any of the thirty-one entries above... thanks a bunch. Especially to Borb, Leber, Smit and all of the lovely people at BLAK.

A lot of the music I listen to is sometimes applied to this story--I have for a while had this gut feeling that two songs by the Moody Blues, "Your Wildest Dreams" (Lyrics: ) and "I Know You're Out There Somewhere" (Lyrics: ) would have been perfect as opening and ending themes for a "show" based on this thread--and I've gone with that as a sub-theme.

To put it bluntly, the other person in this co-op RP decided to stop--I will make a personal assumption that it has to do with school and I'd rather at the moment that my assumption not be corrected :) I will continue, however, but in a new direction. No more waiting for someone else--I'm going to do things as they happen.

The universe is changing. People are changing.

And so must the story we tell.

Sep 08, 2005 LeberMac link
** Wild Applause **

I laughed, I cried, It was great!
(Aren't you glad I crashed the server so you could finish this?)


..."Season 2" starts... when?
Sep 08, 2005 Celkan link
As soon as the actors' contracts have been renewed :P
Sep 08, 2005 moldyman link
With the server down I actually read something.

/me applauds as well. Nice work. Sorta makes me wanna write something.......
Sep 08, 2005 Borb II link
Nicely done, though I never was a fan of sad endings, but I guess it's what I get for reading a love story.

Now for part two: "Beer, brawls, and SKOM! The life of a bar keep in Odia."
Sep 08, 2005 moldyman link
Oooo Oooo Can I start the bar fight? I wanna be in a story! =)
Sep 08, 2005 smittens link
Fah, I think we all know who starts the bar fight. Its also the one with the most SKOM holes. And the one who manages to piss off Miharu the most. And the one... (Rest deleted)
Sep 10, 2005 Celkan link
Entry 32
September 10, 4433
Jallik Watch, Jallik E-15

I came to the Medlabs two nights ago to file some paperwork with the Medlabs in regards to Yukinari. Effectively, I have decided to refrain from having him recloned at this time--I believe from his attitude at our last meeting that this would be what he would want--though I have given the Medlabs permission to reclone him if they saw it to be necessary. I am having his body interred in one of the Eo School of Flight's several stasis chambers on campus.

I spent most of yesterday going through his personal effects (what little he had in his room on Jallik Watch) and his logs. I made copies of the logs while I was there, and I have archived all of his belongings in my storage unit.

I will return to Corvus space for the time being, but...

I do not know what I will do with my life now--I can only hope I will find something before long.

End "Season 1"

Expect new writings after I update my character's profile.
Sep 24, 2005 Celkan link
These logs are now available in a PDF format.

The PDF has a few added items:
- *all* of Yukinari's written logs
- the current version of Miharu's profile
- the eulogy from the Black Lance Funeral
- pictures in a few places to spice up the black and white text :D

Here's the link (temporary):


Sep 25, 2005 moldyman link
ARGH! Yu guys know how to do all the coll stuff. Making nice looking pdfs and all. Good job Miharu
Sep 25, 2005 LeberMac link
Geez - that's 68 pages. (wow).
Sep 25, 2005 Borb II link
Nice stuff, makes me want too go back and fix up my old pdf... Mine was just boring text. :(

But how to one up you.... I'll have to get beer, some Corvus women, and maybe an Itani that can eat pure xith. Yeah that's the stuff. ;)