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Pirates have "honor"? Prove it.

Dec 13, 2004 Shapenaji link
I'm not going to kill them if they stop, but I'm not going to warn them before I drop them to 10%. Why? as soon as they start to boost, I have to boost as well, and at that point I have only so much energy to hit them with, 10% means I only need 1 shot.

It's just safer that way. 30 secs is gonna be a bit long, the transaction should be very quick.

I do like your idea about the alias though, shall do it right away :)
Dec 13, 2004 simondearsley link
Worm hole opens, loaded centaur jumps out and lazily turns for clear space. Pirate boosts to intercept the trader and pulls in behind.

pirate: "Excuse me trader, I am a pirate and would like to steal your cargo, could you please jettison it for me?"

trader: "No!"

Trader boosts towards empty space, slowly picking up speed with the pirate still sitting on his tail.

pirate: "that's ok, I don't mind if you keep your cargo, but could you please pay me 20000 credits so I won't have to harm you?'

trader: "You not getting any of my money scum!"

pirate: "Very well, you leave me no choice, I'm going to give you 30 seconds to pay me or I will have to start shooting"

pirate: "30...29...28...27...26...25...24.."

trader: "Hahaha cya sucker!"

Trader jumps through a succession of empty sectors to his destination.

pirate: ".23...22...21...20...19...18...17...16...15...14...13. aw fuck it."

Pirate gives up and goes beck to wormhole to await a more willing prey.
Dec 13, 2004 Spellcast link
please re-read my post simon.

I said a trader that has STOPPED you should cease fire and the trader should be given a 30 second deadline. if they continue to run, by all means, blast them to atomic particles.

The /logoff thing is an interesting point genka, not quite sure about what to do with that other than take the name down and next time you see them, they dont get any mercy.
Dec 13, 2004 Tyrdium link
Shoot first, ask questions later.
Dec 13, 2004 CrippledPidgeon link
you can't logoff if you're boosting, however you CAN force quit the game instantly.
Dec 14, 2004 Spellcast link
if you force quit your ship continues in game for 10 seconds. unfortunately the situation we are discussing here is a trader at a complete stop, where /logoff would be viable.
Dec 14, 2004 genka link
I think its a minute, not ten seconds if you force quit.
Dec 14, 2004 dbradhud link
Some random thoughts from the trader side.

1. Take the long view. If you go to grey space, you are going to run into the same pirate over and over again. If you "win" one encounter by being too tricky or deceptive, that will have an effect on the next encounter. If you are having problem with a pirate, think about how to get to an acceptable long-term outcome.

2. Plan ahead. Before I log on, I generally go to the website and check the active players. If there is a player on that I have had trouble with, I think about what I will do if I encounter her. If I am going to grey space, I think about how I will react if I meet a pirate or other hostile player.

3. Make friends. Having friends in grey space is invaluable. Note: making friends in grey space can be expensive.

4. Recognize your options. I have dealt with pirates in the follwoing ways: Complain on the common channel (so far, the least effective method); resolve through private messaging; contacting pirate before entering gray space; paying; running; actively avoiding; hiring another player to kill pirate; making friends with pirate; negotiating through a friendly pirate; negotiating to purchase KOS status on pirate; negotiating to purchase "protection". There are lots more that I've never tried.

5. Play with honor, but don't demand it of others. Playing with honor gets you a reputation. Demanding it of others gets you nothing.

6. Have fun. Without pirates, the life of a trader would be a dull one.

Broma-ba Slick
Dec 14, 2004 Forum Moderator link
Well said!
Dec 17, 2004 Urza link
Pirates have more honor than traders. I hardly ever saw traders stick togeather for more than a day or so. Pirates constantly grouped togeather and worked side by side
Dec 17, 2004 Tyrdium link
That's teamwork, not honor.
Dec 17, 2004 Borb II link
Honour could be defined as loyalty to friends.

But who really cares. Pirates are there to take your stuff bottom line. Some of them are nice about it but they are still taking your stuff. If you want to say they have honour or what ever, your just gonna get upset when some nOOb pirate thinks he has what is take and blows up your fully loaded cent.

Personally I've had more trouble from psycho nOObs (had one missile spam me as I was about to dock. I died and the defence force got him, what a waste) and blue guys then pirates...
Dec 18, 2004 DavidEPurvis link
Having gone thru the usual 'pirates are griefers' phase (VO initiation,in a way), I've come out the other side with a renewed appreciation for them.

From a role-playing perspective, pirating is a perfectly understandable form of PvP, which seems to be at least a major, if not primary, aspect of VO. Sure, its a challenge to put up with, but it is currently the best content in the game, influencing all other content; the best part of this content is that it comes directly from the players. The VO 'universe' is really a semi-civilized society, like the Wild West, and the pirates are the equivalent of the guys in the black hats; I for one like a good western.

From a game-system perspective, it is the pirates who seem to be most involved in pushing the envelope on the combat system, as evidenced from the many posts on related threads. Advances in that part of the game are due to their efforts as much as anyone elses.

Yes, for the trader or miner, the pirate is a pain/challenge; being on the losing end of a Stick-Up/Mauling is not fun, even in a game. But it does incentivise the loser to either innovate ways to avoid them, or get armed/skilled and take them on. Some may even stray from being businessmen and learn to hunt them for fun and profit. Others who may not see the fun in this, or learn an appreciation for pirates, may just leave the game...

Generally speaking, pirates do understand the necessity of not pushing this too far, causing too many folks to quit the game...if a pack of lions kills the whole herd, they will starve themselves out. There may be a few griefers in pirate garb, but they are few and far between, and the smart pirates will take care of them, we can all hope. In fact, some of these smart pirates have openly asked who the over-the-top pirates are in order to rectify the lions don't like stupid ones.

This is not to say that I personally admire or like pirates; it's not a role I particularly wantto play, there are other parts of this game I choose to explore, PvP being far at the bottom of the list. But I do respect the right of any player to play this game in anyway they so desire.

As far as honor, there may be a pirate code, but it really only has relevance to the pirates themselves, and it is up to the individual pirate if/when/where he follows it; it really makes no difference to the one getting pirated, as the results are indistinguishable..Pay Up and/or Get Blasted.
Dec 20, 2004 tramshed link
On Honor and giving people a chance. I tried to cut back my brutality and start giving players a chance to pay up. Ive since decided to discontinue the practice and if you dont stop/pay quite quickly, you will meet a fiery death. This is mainly due in part to dirty traders who act like they are going to stop and pay merely so the have time to /explode. You bring it upon yourselves. Also, people who I know pay/put up a good fight im generally very friendly with, you guys know who you are, and your support of this poor pirate is greatly appreciated.


Im sure i can't say this enough, but us pirates should have the option of switching to our own faction, its kinda sucky when you and a pirate from another nation are working together, and you end up watching your buddy die/ you die cuz you or him cannot damage the offending parties.
Dec 20, 2004 ArAsH link
I hanen't realy noticed any honor with pirates yet, got blasted out of space twice without any warning at all, but remember this you pirates, I don't care, I'm still new to the game but I got your name. I'm comming back Bigger and Badder (in a couple of months :p ). Revenge is a...
Dec 20, 2004 Spellcast link
I for one am very interested to see what the coming update does for pirating. If running away is not as easy for a trader anymore, the chances of a pirate engaging in roleplay goes way up.

At present it really is a matter of killing the target before he/she has a chance to hit 200m/s turbo and escape. With a balance change coming to the engines and ships, combat tactics and strategies will change significantly. (while we are at it i would really really really like to see each ship have a different distance it has to be from a large object to warp. It would be very nice to see the larger heavier ships have to travel to 4000 or 5000 meters before jumping.
Dec 20, 2004 tramshed link
Its not my fault I'm evil! (blames game)
Dec 25, 2004 knob link
I go under the name Dale Gribble
Im still pretty new to the game but i love it..
People who have problems with the pirates should relize that they add a learning element to the game... (i.e. how to deal with outlaws and so on.)
For those people who have problems with the aspect of pirating, they should sit back and watch the development of the game for a little bit... Pirates add excitment to the game.... IM TALKING TO YOU "FIRST LADY"
I've read the backstory to the game and it clearly shows its part of the game
The thought of it being a MMORPG (Massivly Multiplayer online Role Playing Game) I think its importaint to have pirates around
I think people should read the back story too.
"you kill it, we grill it"
Dec 25, 2004 Tyrdium link
Ummm... Wha?
Dec 25, 2004 Borb II link
Bottom line to his post: Read the back story! And, quit complaining about the pirates. They add new elements to the game.

Me personally, I like em. With out them we would have way to many cocky traders running around like they owned the place. Plus care bears annoy me for the most part. Nothing is free or easy. Same is true for trading.