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on the use of lightning mines in combat

Feb 02, 2005 ananzi link
I warped into the sector, trading ore. Zoomed into the wormhole, and there was the signature glow of a centurions twin engines, hovering with nose towards the entryway.

Suddenly he accelerated. I struggled to keep view, and then green streaks flew from his nose.. scrolling down I saw a centaur running for its life.

STOP I yelled, and jetted towards the offender. In range, I fired missiles, which he dodged pretty easily. But as he did not waste me straight away, I realized he was a bit of a n00b at this.


This was where the lightning mines came in. I had watched his tactic... run straight at me and shoot, not very accurately. Perfect. On the next run I dropped one, took him down 10 percent.

I dropped another... He went to >2000m. And I watched him come... come.. move up and down... so I circled, keeping the lmine between me and him. The red target square, the blue electricity, in the center of my screen, until finally...

Red flashes.. I was being hit.. a little bit. I could hold out. He couldn't. I watched the light zap him. As I was almost stationary, he had apparently slowed down to blast me.

When he realized what was happening, he flew off... straight.. showing my remaining missiles a nice fat target.. just as he neared the escape point, a blast was heard.

+100 combat.


Not bad for carrying 60 crates of ore in a ship that only goes 180.

Never underestimate a crap ship. Victory and defeat are mostly a matter of the mind.
Feb 03, 2005 Shapenaji link
:) see my thread on the general forum, it covers some of these issues.

Lightning mines are very powerful, especially in a centaur. I'd scrap the missiles though ananzi, you have better options available.

they are soo easily abused in CTC too. Bringing a Centaur into battle with lmines, AGT, and flares, I was able to fight Yodaofborg, Lin, and Mysticrogue. The lightning mines guarded my back, while the AGT kept everything in front of me tryin to dodge. Thanks to the mines, I was able to fight multiple AGT mounts and actually succeed.

Also remember, you may not get players with the mine as soon as you drop it, but if you can control the fight, you can lead them back into it.
Feb 03, 2005 UncleDave link
Are these opponents so dumb as not to shoot the mines?
Feb 03, 2005 Shapenaji link
No, its that mines are very hard to target, and as such, VERY difficult to hit while moving.

Of course they can turn and spray some AGT fire in the general direction of the mine (they would most likely have to stop in order to hit it, which is a field day for me and my AGT+flares), but, they're still likely going to get hit, and it distracts them for precious seconds while I'm able to focus on someone else.

Also, suppose they can't hit it, so they dodge, the mine is still there, and they have to worry about accidentally flying into it.
Feb 03, 2005 link
That was an awesome fight too. 2 Proms and a Marauder went down to a Centaur mk3.

I tried tangling with Shape a few times afterwards in my Sky Command and died 2 or 3 times. It's a wonderfully nasty combo. There's a few weaknesses with it but it's very hard to be patient enough. :D