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All your cargo are belong to me. ITANI

Mar 19, 2005 nycblkboy link
I would like to say WOOT ITANI.
Special thanks to "Dani El" the MVP of the week.
Go Itani...

BTW: were all the serco drooling over the cap ship this week?
Mar 19, 2005 paedric link
erm........ okay.
(psst... get the butterfly nets while I distract him)
um... yay?
Mar 19, 2005 Spider link
Nope. Most of us have still quit. See, there's no point in playing your game against the odds, with the constant verbage assault we get from you.

Seeyou when there's something to care about.
Mar 19, 2005 fprefect link
Perhaps if Serco would actually try to win CtC instead of whingeing about how unfair it is, they might be able to turn the tide. They won last week, so it's definitely not impossible.

Also, they have the most unbalanced ship in the game (SCP) which should compensate for a slightly longer convoy route. (also, this fact makes complaining about "fairness" more than a little ironic...)
Mar 19, 2005 Ghost link
This is the wrong thread to discuss ships in, but the prom is pretty balanced now.
Mar 19, 2005 Borb II link
Haha! You itani have won against all odds. lol, yes you really got a great reason to brag.
Mar 19, 2005 roguelazer link
We didn't quit when we were outnumbered 6 to 1 a month or so ago. Why have you?
Mar 19, 2005 CrippledPidgeon link
Cuz the CtC started to feel like an obligation, and I got tired of always feeling like I had to participate, and that I had to win. So I've been taking a break - that and my current school schedule made it hard to get on in the morning, when most of the other guildmembers were on.
Mar 19, 2005 ananzi link
the old SAF people are completely confused.

some of them are protesting the shorter itani route by
boycotting ctc. some say 'its not fun'

on the other hand, some of these folks you will see doing ctc
anyways, right after they tell you they are boycotting it.

and some of them, like spider, actually kill people who
help the serco transport.

and with all the boycott and everything, serco still won
last week.

eventually either the routes will be altered... or
a new generation of sercos will come on and start playing.
Mar 19, 2005 Spider link
Oh, not really ananzi.

I just kill you because you behaved ...erm.. badly.. when you were aligned with the itani. You and fprefect both illustrate the point about attitude that was the base of my decision to quit and dispel the old SAF.

@fprefect: Erm. What was that about the old valk?

@roguelazer: actually, you did. Several times as I recall. However, after some time of solely doing the CtC against both the numerical odds (oh, that could be fun) and the strategical ones ( the routes ) many of us considered it more work than play. End result, we quit.

ask yourself instead, what is required for us to -begin- again.
Mar 19, 2005 macguy link
This is so wrong, there is no reason to be rubbing winning in the serco's faces. The ctc seems to flip flop between itani and secro dominating. We don't need to rub in their faces that we won. This thread is doing just that. It ruins the game. Mind you, I'm itani.
Mar 19, 2005 Lin link
<[...]the old SAF people are completely confused.[...]>

@ananzi: I would be very pleased, when you stop bringing out your interpretations. None of us is confused.

So, please stop writing stupid things about people's intentions you don't know.
Mar 19, 2005 Spider link
@macguy: thanks, for proving that there is some players on the itani side that understand my point.

ps. That doesn't mean I'll stop killing you when I get the chance.
Mar 19, 2005 Shapenaji link
I frankly don't blame the serco for standing out. CTC is boring. And Crip is right, it started to become an obligation, one with very few real rewards.

I mean, Spider, if you want to say that its because of the extra 2 (is this how many?) jumps, fine, but I'd just say it was because of
CTC being generally uninteresting.
Mar 19, 2005 Spellcast link
congratulations itani on a job well done.

As to us winning last week, enough of the old SAF was bored, and enough of the black lance was irritated at the IA that we made a go of winning for a week, and did manage to get just enough cargo to win it.

That being said.. it was really more black lance than serco, (if i recall alamar brought more cargo back to serco space for others to deliver than I did, tho his name won't show since he was basically delivering to the "wrong" side)

AS for the SAF... That guild was closed for personal reasons pertaining to the CO, the LT's and most of the Council, not specifically as a protest against CtC. Many of the players decided that we were no longer going to view the CtC as something we HAD to do and the breakup of the guild seemed to be a good point to let go. Many of us still escort the serco convoy on occasion just to get some PvP. I myself was boycotting it for several weeks while i cooled down because i was more or less burnt out on the whole thing.
For the 5 weeks prior when serco won all i did online was CtC, and i would race home to log in JUST to make sure we won. Recognizing the beginning of a more or less unhealthy obsession, I chose to stop CtCing 2 weeks before the SAF disbanded.

The route imbalance has been discussed to death, and anyone who cares to spend an hour and transit the grey space jumps 4 times for each route; then take the average distance from the wormholes when you enter the sectors that have them should be able to see it without much trouble.
Added to the extra safe sector on the itani side, and the general 2 to 1 player ratio itani has in thier favor, is it any wonder that the serco dont want to participate???

EDIT: and rogue, you were NEVER outnumberd 6 to 1. at no point is there a significantly larger number of serco CtC participants than itani participants over the course of a whole week. look back trhough the CtC records and find me one that even has a 3 to 2 serco to itani ratio. I'll admit that for a while the serco were dominating due to the fact that significantly more of our veteran players paid to play than itani vets. so the vets were outnumbered by a lot, but itani as a whole was never actually outnumbered.
Mar 19, 2005 Sun Tzu link
Shape, if you had a bit of interest left in CtC, you would have seen at the end of last week -yes last week- bunches of serco vets doing CtC.

So they do not seem all so bored with CtC when they think they are in a good position to win. Btw, that is what Spider is implying in this thread.

But in the middle of last week, the serco side was in a good position to win because several players had played against all odds during the first four days, and quite successfully.

This being said, I don't like too much any kind of taunting which, in any competition, suits supporters better than players. I quit channel 100 because the SAF was doing something similar there when they ruled over CtC. Itani please, let's not repeat that.

EDIT: Spellcast, we WERE outnumbered during a number of weeks. We were a few itani doing CtC while SAF was everywhere, doing it at 1 vs 4, 5 or 6 sometimes.
Mar 19, 2005 yodaofborg link
me is flying and idf valk now, and although im finding it hard to adjust my aim, i like it.
Mar 19, 2005 nycblkboy link
I apologize to any Serco who got offended. I wasn't trying to put any Serco down. I was just making fun and replying to Borb II post last week:

As an Itani I agree with Crip too. I CtC is an obligation to me too. I feel if i'm online i must race to Sedina or Bratus to attack or defend. The only way I can stop doing it is to leave channels 201 and 202. I regularly take breaks from CtC just to make sure I don't over obsess again. But I always come back because it is fun especially when the Serco participate. :)

Again, sorry Serco I wasn't trying to rub your nose in our win, I was just congratulating the Itani.
Mar 19, 2005 Bobsin link
it is cool nycblkboy, as a serco i am not offended. as a Black Lance member, perhaps borb and i took our glaoting too far last week. :) afterall, last week did feel more like BL vs IA as opposed to serco vs itani.

in anycase, congrats itani!
Mar 20, 2005 Borb II link
It's cool nycblkboy. I was really just making fun of the Itani in general. :p

Last week BL played CtC heavily, I my self spent every chance I got online to play CtC. If the Serco want to win CtC we have to work way to hard to do it. Unfortunantly we have real lifes. I've got my N3s now there is no reason I should CtC again.

What we need to to get the cap ship to help us out... 8)