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Humble (Introversion) Bundle

Dec 06, 2011 DivisionByZero link
Yeah... so the latest Humble Indie Bundle is mostly Introversion games (Uplink, Darwinia, Defcon and Multiwinia). It's a good time to be a cheapskate and get a lot of cool games for whatever you feel like paying. has a link.

Might I say: Uplink is pretty incredible. Defcon is a mind trip when you think about what you're actually doing in a "game".

There are a few other thingies in the bundle if you beat the average price but whatever. Get the introversion games.
Dec 08, 2011 Phaserlight link
Uplink, Defcon, and Darwinia are all great games... I played each of them when they came out, so this bundle would be a re-hash for me. Darwinia is an interesting game, and certainly a new take on the whole RTS genre. Uplink and Defcon don't have much going on graphically, but as you say it's a mind trip to pretend-cybercrime and pretend-global thermonuclear war. I liked that Darwinia explored simulated artificial life and cyber-reincarnation... and manning those cannons and tanks while trying not to get carried off by ants was fun.
Dec 09, 2011 abortretryfail link
Cool, they finally released the Linux version of Multiwinia!
Apr 12, 2012 TheRedSpy link
VO should consider throwing in a 1-3 month subscription code to the humble bundle. Would be good crosspromo i've always liked the stuff that the humble bundle people were doing I don't see the downside to offering (or at least having a look at the possibility of doing so) to get some new players interested.

VO fits the ambit of a humble bundle game, cross platform, indie developed..
Apr 13, 2012 slime73 link
I don't think any bundle has offered an MMO before. It's an interesting idea, but I don't think the Humble Bundle guys are likely to do it. VO and other MMOs aren't exactly "DRM free" either.
Apr 14, 2012 DivisionByZero link
If you go to the introversion blog, one of their devs makes the point that they essentially doubled the number of people who had played their games. Darwinia was their best-selling game at about 180k copies sold. The humble bundle surpassed that many.

If nothing else, it worked like an incredible promotional for Introversion. There's a "coolness" factor if an MMO hasn't been done this way, yet, so the Humble Bundle people might go for it.