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Vendetta Googled

Oct 24, 2003 genka link
waylon is so cool
waylon is simply the coolest artist
waylon is not paralyzed in his left leg
waylon is my hero
waylon is an eagle soaring above us all
waylon is the best

raybondo is ray ratelis -- only one on there ONLY ONE ON THERE??

a1k0n is not connected to the network
a1k0n is andy sloane

Incarnate is allowed to be out
Incarnate is currently online; on @#vendetta; via area51
Incarnate is jesus
Incarnate is totally badass
Incarnate is from pagan myths
Incarnate is amply supported in scripture

guild software is a small company located in milwaukee
guild software is out to produce and promote free software
guild software is currently holding a public beta test of this cross

vendetta is a huge game in every sense of the word
vendetta is in the works and we couldn?t be happier
vendetta is an older woman with blue eyes
vendetta is a first person shooter with nothing to get in the way
vendetta is a game that focuses totally on gameplay
vendetta is set in a 50's style post nuclear holocaust fascist britain
vendetta is still accepting beta testers
vendetta is deeply rooted in southern egyptian tradition
vendetta is a team fortress classic map i began
vendetta is the umpteenth retelling of the nazi regime

sherpa is an extremely portable weather station
sherpa is capable of carrying up to 30 passengers; this dual turboprop aircraft can fly
sherpa is waterproof and it floats
sherpa is 80% cotton
sherpa is known for it's ability to handle extreme terrain
sherpa is an electric powered delivery vehicle designed to carry up to 6000 lbs with ease
sherpa is not a truck
sherpa is a small hand held altimeter
sherpa is the wind meter
sherpa is a 1

And we love you all!
Oct 24, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
suicidal lemming is ranked 76 and has played for 7h49m in 14 days real name
suicidal lemming is ranked 57 and has played for 1h34m in 14 days real name

Yarr, i be playing for a lot more than 14 days!
Oct 24, 2003 Pyro link

pyro is back
pyro is a procedural simulator
pyro is an adobe after effects plug
pyro is junk
pyro is a "staining" developer
pyro is to be fired when the mc or guest speaker ends the evening with a certain phrase or action
pyro is that it fills the gap between the the sport flyer and the pylon racer
pyro is the first we've come across that plays and records
pyro is a good choice for the destructive among us
pyro is the most toxic chemical ever used in a darkroom
pyro is quite toxic and is readily absorbed through the lungs
pyro is designed for large format use and produces negatives with normal to low contrast
pyro is not useless underwater; the incendiary cannon will work in the water
pyro is one of the best assault classes in the game
pyro is the complete system for recording
pyro is the only tool you'll need for all digital music related tasks
pyro is a smoke and fire effects plug
pyro is a pin puller which allows the motor/gearhead to be disconnected from the gear train so that the reflected inertia of the motor/gearhead does
pyro is made of a heavy metal that absorbs into your skin immediately
pyro is a very old developing agent which was used in the thirties and forties for large format
pyro is crashing on startup
pyro is an acronym for python remote objects
pyro is the first device of its kind to allow a seamless and inexpensive way for digital camcorder users to create and edit very high
pyro is the scourge of the mines
pyro is the newest addition to the digital naturetools for maya product suite
pyro is known
pyro is very toxic and nasty stuff
pyro is infected with legacy
pyro is affiliated with us and back up
pyro is really quite simple
pyro is a specialized 'mech based on the "pyro" kbot used by core forces in the total annihilation s/ts
pyro is the worst unit in the game and isn't advised to play with
pyro is thin and light
pyro is a sophisticated fluid dynamics engine
pyro is the class for you
pyro is my favorite class in public play
pyro is actually a loose family of film developers that use the chemical pyrogallic acid
pyro is a small daugherboard that plugs into the existing '040 socket on the next motherboard
pyro is so simple
pyro is de afkorting van pyromaantje
pyro is the ideal software for today's music enthusiasts wanting to
pyro is gay
pyro is fighting the hold
pyro is so completely different
pyro is a card suited only for home users
pyro is now the prefered communication layer between narval and the outer world
pyro is a 100
pyro is very underused in clan warfare
pyro is selectable under the ship config menu
pyro is that you can output a master copy from your computer via firewire to your dig 8 camcorder using the analogue connection
pyro is a 100% digital interface card that links via a provided dv editing cable to a digital camcorder
pyro is used
pyro is also strictly a win98 product with win2000 drivers coming later this year
pyro is simply a maniac
pyro is available from
pyro is a 100% digital interface card that links through a provided dv editing cable to a digital camcorder
pyro is all too common and probably is the cause of many of the near misses or accidents a
pyro is a very unusual class for someone to specialize in
pyro is way too expensive
pyro is the master of the flame
pyro is adopted by the leaders
pyro is invading itha
pyro is doing plenty of spinning now
pyro is a great web cam
pyro is "when in doubt
pyro is the first xhf show of the week
pyro is always taking 10 on move silently and hide unless the pyro chooses otherwise and wishes to be seen or heard
pyro is captured by the phylegian king and sentenced to death to demonstrate his power
pyro is a medium speed
Oct 24, 2003 Pyro link
Hehehe... Crashing on startup... That explains me in the morning... :P
Oct 24, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
"pyro is simply a maniac"

Oct 23, 2003 ctishman link
What does Google have to say about Vendetta? How many of those refer to our game?

About Guild Software:

About Incarnate:

About a1k0n:

About raybondo:

About Waylon:
Nov 02, 2003 zamzx zik link