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Does Guild Software use AT&T?

Nov 23, 2003 Pyroman_Ace link
Nice comic man..even though it's not really yours...

I think it's already called Pyro's Law and some friends realized that when I was taking CAD classes as a High School freshman at the local University...ALL IT peopple at colleges are jerks.

[SDF] Black 1

PS: Arolte, the SDF no longer enforces jurisdiction over s9, it was handed over, by me, to the Guides. No hard feelings man?
Nov 19, 2003 Arolte link
Good stuff. Even if it isn't AT&T it can apply to pretty much any company.
Nov 19, 2003 fenix link
I don't get it.
Nov 19, 2003 Arolte link
You wouldn't.
Nov 19, 2003 Sovereign link
before the Do Not Call list came into effect, we used to get five calls daily from AT&T even though we're on Verizon now.
Nov 20, 2003 StarFreeze link
I got in trouble looking at that stupid comic :P I wondered around more on Penny Arcade looking at older comics and the tech administrator of our college got pissed at me for looking at it. I do believe he is an arse :P
Nov 20, 2003 Pyro link
How can you get in trouble for reading a webcomic? Penny Arcade, at that... Is it just me, or is it a rule that all school IT people must suck? I think I'll call it Pyro's Law... :P
Nov 20, 2003 Arolte link
Yeah the IT staff in my college are absolutely horrible. The school had to hire an IT staff from outside of college to fix the problems they started. How dumb is that? Buncha lazy dumbasses they be, aye.

In other news, expect my connection to drop more frequently in the future.

Nov 20, 2003 fenix link
heh, they must be like, "hey, look, another mac user" and laugh..;) THAT's why you don't like them:D
Nov 21, 2003 ctishman link
No, they're just lazy bums with big egoes. All educational IT staff are. That's just the way it is.
Nov 21, 2003 toshiro link
well... no.
where i go to university, they are kind and helpful (no kidding!), i know that as i work together with them. then again, every rule needs an exception or two.
Nov 21, 2003 fenix link
I know a head of IT at a local college, and they're not ALL bad.... Usually, they're flooded with tons of stupid requests, "why wont my email work?" - "Well, you dont have an email client set up"

Usually in IT support, it's the users that are complete idiots and make it a bit hard for the already understaffed crew..
(not saying any of you are idiots, it's just the norm from what I've seen)