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mIRC-to-IngameChat - Little goodie for those who chat ingame through mIRC =)

Dec 17, 2004 twist3r link
I was bored, so i made a very tiny script that opens a new window in mIRC to make chatting to the ingamechat easier. Nothing special at all, work of 30 mins, but still very very handy.

It makes you able to just type the line into the normal chatwindow instead of having to talk to the bot, and change channel 1/100 with one doubleclick :)

Here you see how that looks like:

And here is the script

menu channel {
VO Ingame Chat: voigchat
menu @VO {
if ($1 == 1) { .msg vendetta join 100 }
elseif ($1 == 2) { .msg vendetta join 1 }
else { echo 3 @VO You are doing something very wrong buddy.. }
alias voigchat {
if (($active == #vendetta-ingame) && (%vo-ig-chat == 0)) {
window -ebkvl7 @VO Arial black 10
aline -l @VO 100
aline -l @VO 1
set %vo-ig-chat 1
else {
on *:CLOSE:@VO:{ set %vo-ig-chat 0 }
on *:START:{ set %vo-ig-chat 0 }
on *:EXIT:{ set %vo-ig-chat 0 }
on ^*:TEXT:*:#vendetta-ingame:{
if (($nick == vendetta) && (%vo-ig-chat == 1)) {
echo @VO $1-
window -g1 @VO
on *:INPUT:@VO:{ .msg vendetta ch $1- }
on ^*:NOTICE:You*:*:{
if ($nick == vendetta) {
if ($1-10 == Your channel messages will now be sent to channel 1.) { echo 3 @VO You are now talking to channel 1. | haltdef }
elseif ($1-10 == Your channel messages will now be sent to channel 100.) { echo 3 @VO You are now talking to channel 100. | haltdef }
elseif (($1-3 == You joined channel) && ($5 == already.)) { echo 4 @VO You're already talking to channel $4 $+ ! | haltdef }

Best thing you can do is press Alt+R, make a new file using File->New, paste the script there and press ok :)

You can start it by pressing the Menupoint in your rightclick menu in the #vendetta-ingame channel.