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my addon dump

Aug 26, 2007 mr_spuck link
yah. maybe it's not shipping with the rc module or something
Aug 28, 2007 mr_spuck link
just tried it with a 0.9 snapshot of vlc.
the good thing is, it always returns the position and title correctly, which 0.8.6 doesn't.
the bad thing is, it doesn't return the playlist at all...

Not sure if I'll bother with the http interface. it seems to do what I want but it's kinda awkward to handle. :/
Sep 01, 2007 mr_spuck link
should all work with 1.7.40 now
Sep 02, 2007 Aramarth link
Not sure if you're aware of this bug or not..
When I use newchat, my page up/down keys are no longer able to scroll the chat history. Removing the plugin fixed the issue.
Sep 02, 2007 mr_spuck link
uhm .. yeah .. been meaning to fix that for a while. it just didn't bug me enough yet
Sep 02, 2007 incredibleweirdo link
The chat scroll bug was a small one for me, but the thing that really bothered me is that my chat binds didn't work (g, G, t, and T all just activated the current chat) in the PDA/Station. They seemed to work fine in the HUD during flight, however.

Sep 02, 2007 mr_spuck link
oups ..didn't know that those keys worked in station...
not sure how to make it respond to them properly..

scrolling should work now though.. if a bit strange. it's probably a bit off
Sep 03, 2007 Aramarth link
TY for the fix, but it doesn't seem to have changed anything...
Sep 12, 2007 incredibleweirdo link
Got MPD compiled for Mac OS X, and setup the apcontrol plugin.

Awesome, and many thanks for this. Works excellently for my purposes.

Though - would it be possible to control it with commands through the chat? Say, like /apnext or /apprev and the like, instead of opening the control window and clicking next/prev.

Sep 14, 2007 yodaofborg link
Wooo, MPD control with VO kinda rules spuck, nice one. (and this plugin gives me ideas of my own!)
Sep 16, 2007 mr_spuck link

I've added a bunch of commands to apcontrol. It's kinda tacked on but seems to work.

commands are:
/applay start playback
/apstop stop playback
/apnext next track
/apprev previous track
/aptrack <num> play track <num> in the playlist
/applaylist print playlist
/aptitle print current title
/apannounce spam the current title to the active channel

Feedback is a bit minimalistic right now. If a command failed it will print a timeout message. Usually that means the player isn't running or the wrong one was set in the config. I'll make that a bit more friendly eventually.
Sep 16, 2007 incredibleweirdo link
I don't want to make assumptions, but I can bind those commands to keys, right? So instead of typing /apnext I could just push a button to skip to the next track. I had that going previously with a rather complicated "jukebox" bind someone posted on the forums.

Thanks again,
Sep 16, 2007 mr_spuck link
yeah .. should work.

you'll just get some warnings when you keep a key pressed down or hit it really fast.
Nov 17, 2007 mr_spuck link

some extra ignore features
temporary ignore players and ignore whole factions. it could be that some messages will still slip through.

defined commands:
/tempignore <player> [timeout] -- temporary ignore a player
omitting timeout means permanent.
timeout is in minutes

/tempunignore <player> -- unignore tempignored player
/ignorefaction <factionname> -- ignore a faction
/unignorefaction <factionname> -- unignore a faction
/ignorefaction_whitelist <player> -- exempt a player from faction ignore
/ignorefaction_unwhitelist <player> -- remove player from whitelist

(ignoring yourself is useful for spamming cause it disables echoing your own messages :P)

you can still see ignored factions in group an guild chat

Within a session the number of entries is unlimited.

Number entries saved across sessions is limited by how many characters per line I can save in the config file. so it depends on the length of the ignored names. Should be somewhere about a dozen names or so though. If you create more than that it will complain and refuse to save the list.
It's probably possible to work around that. but if you need more you probably have other things to worry about...

This thing may still have issues but works fine for me. It keeps its own lists so it can't corrupt the games ignore list or something. If the plugin is unloaded all players ignored with it are unignored again.

edit: doh first issue... forgot emotes
edit: emotes added

forgot to mention...
entering any command without options prints a not really helpful error and a list of ignored players or factions.

A guild based ignore would have probably been more interesting than faction based but it looks like I can only get the guild of players in the current sector ... which isn't all that useful.

edit: third try. forgot to comment something out
Jan 02, 2008 mr_spuck link

small script to find lua definitions in
uses slightly modified version of httplib
with some luck it actually works :P

defined commands:

/rctfind pattern depth
find definition based on pattern in elment names
if pattern matches more than one definition it
returns a list of matching elements
pattern accepts anything luas pattern matching stuff does.
so "/rctfind ^Get" will find all elements starting with "Get"

depth defines search depth (optional)
default 1 maximum 2.
1 will only search in the main index while 2 will follow
links to subsections. there is no content beyond the
second level at the moment but it should handle that.

if depth is lower or equal to that of a previous query
it is ignored and the search will be done in
the previously downloaded pages.

/rctfindfull pattern depth
find a definition based on pattern in the whole definition
otherwise same as rctfind

/rctprint element depth
print exact element names.
works the same way as "/rctfind ^element$"
could probably be removed
for depth see rctfind

/rctformat section1 section2 ...
define output format
invoke without arguments to get current setting and possible values
example: /rctformat description definition returns

I'd suggest not to overuse depth 2 to much, cause that downloads a pretty big chunk of the wiki that will only grow. If I could save the result locally in a non crappy way I'd do it.
Jan 16, 2008 mr_spuck link

A small travel bot experiment. start it with /dullbot and it will hopefully follow the current navroute.

Theoretically it should be able to cross the whole universe.

It periodically takes screen shots and asks an external program called robotserver.lua for the location of the gate or exit point on the radar and will try to turn towards that point.

The bot can run without that server but will lose a lot of functionality. It won't be able to cross wormholes for example.

The bot can currently be configured from the config section at the top of main.lua.
The settings mostly define how the bot controls the ship.

The defaults work with most ships.

For really light ones the timing can be made tighter.
For really heavy ships SPIN_BRAKE is a bit too short.
There are other options but most of them shouldn't be changed in most circumstances

Things not to do:
rename the plugin dir
switch flight mode or mouselook mode
change navroute

Don't cover up or minimize the vendetta window or open any dialogs that cover the radar while the bot is running. The game doesn't include covered parts in screenshots. The bot will run in circles if this is the case. This may depend on the video drivers, os, desktop environment whatever.

about robotserver.lua:
A small server that does nothing more than wait for dullbot to connect and send it the coordinates of the radar rectangle. The server will then open dump.png in the plugin dir and return the approximate location of the gate to dullbot.

If it's not running and the bot has to cross a gate it will abort.

While it's running the server doesn't output anything unless there was an error.

The server uses the imlua module to load the image file and luasocket to communicate with dullbot.

For linux statically linked versions of lua and the two libs are included. I think the only external dependency is libstdc++ for imlua but that should be installed on most systems
To use that start the server with

For windows dll's and lua binaries are included. Launch it with robotserver.bat it should pop up a command window thingy.

I don't have a mac so I can't package something up for that.
Im can be downloaded from and luasocket from though.

As I said in the beginning, this was just an experiment it's not all that practical or user friendly. Especially that the window can't be minimized is kinda shitty.
Dunno if I'll do much more with it.

Jan 16, 2008 yodaofborg link
Turbo would make this neat. Also maybe if the ship do spin_long a bit after warping in, it would make leaving the sector less painful, as you know *facing forward* out of a worm hole usually leads you to a big bunch of roids. :)

Neat though.
Jan 16, 2008 mr_spuck link
yah .. turbo has to be disabled if it gets too close to a roid though. cause running into one at full speed would be unpleasant :P. otherwise it probably wouldn't be too hard to add.

I thought about doing something like a spin_long after jumping in it just seems a bit crude. maybe as an option or something till there's something better
Jan 17, 2008 shadowkhas link
Just a thought....if it looks for the wormhole on radar, can't it find the yellow plus sign for the jump point, and look for that, instead of barreling through the sector?

What about Ion storms as well? :P
Jan 18, 2008 mr_spuck link
Mine is green...

I'm trying something like that. For now it will just recognize it by its color though. So it might mistake very close friendlies for the exit point.
But it would provide storm support for free cause those use the same indicator.