Forums » Bugs

Lag (now 3.2.3)

May 08, 2003 xochiluvr link
In 3.1 I was getting ping averages of 150 or less over dialup (sometimes >100), with maxes usually under 800.

Now (and this is WITH the new three-point-two-point-THREE update, so don't flame me for YA lag post), my ping average is lucky to be under 300, and max hovers just over 900/a thousand if I'm lucky, 1500 or more if I'm not.

Don't tell me it's dial-up, because it was never this bad before 3.2. I expect to have SOME difficulties because I'm phoning in my game, but still... 300?!?!?!?!?

Other than that, 3.2 is rockin'. Turning off 2ndary fire while invulnerable has already made a difference.
May 08, 2003 Celebrim link
Hmm... I've played every version since 3.1.0 or so, and my average ping has been going down over time. I played the new build last night and I got ping averages of ~180 which is typical for my line.

Could just be a bad night. a1k0n said something about having 'screwed up the ping numbers' so maybe you aren't seeing what the ping numbers say you are seeing.
May 08, 2003 a1k0n link
Yeah. The /ping command may not be accurate anymore, because I changed how it was calculated. It may not have been accurate before (although I think it was). Does the game play like you actually have terrible latency?
May 08, 2003 Urza link
HAng on.. i'll look into that in just a second. Before though, even if it wasn't perfect, it gave us an idea about how it was..

Ok. fells laggier.. Ping 200 avg.
May 08, 2003 Urza link
oh yeah, a1, what formula do you use to calculate it?
May 08, 2003 a1k0n link
Actually the only difference is in how they're averaged. That seems to work okay. The "last" numbers should be the same -- it's the difference in milliseconds between reception of an acknowledgement for a packet and the transmission of that packet. But they're not the same, because I changed something else: the max packet size. This change will probably negatively impact dialup users with low latency and positively impact everyone else. I've been meaning to implement something more adaptive, but I'll change it back for now.
May 08, 2003 Urza link
ahh.. Ok. thx.
May 08, 2003 xochiluvr link
Forgive if I don't get this right, but lag is when you start kind of skipping, right? You shoot at a target in front of you, and all of a sudden he's behind you and you've taken 4 shots in the back? Or you're flying to sec7 from sec15, and the gate reticle says 8145m, then 2673, then 7347?

I get that a couple times each time I play. Not steadily, or regularly, but it happens. It's not the same thing as the framerate drops I was getting - that's been pretty much resolved (see thread in Mac forum).

Side question - does the game server boot you after a certain amount of time if you're inactive (say, in a station, while you're typing a post to the boards like I am now? :) . Second time today it's dropped me while I do this. :)
May 08, 2003 a1k0n link
It doesn't boot you for inactivity, but it boots you for connection timeouts. I think you're just getting some severely delayed packets due to some internet badness between you and us. That's not something that's handled very well, I guess... If you suddenly get a packet you should have gotten several seconds ago, it may momentarily desynchronize and resynchronize, causing jumps like that. I just moved some code around to improve that somewhat.
May 08, 2003 xochiluvr link
Last hour or two my ping's been 200 or so, which is very playable. Only skipped around once that I recall.

last: 193
min: 0
max: 2754
avg: 221
May 09, 2003 Icarus link
a1k0n, if you recieve a packet that is out of order, shouldn't it be dropped?
May 09, 2003 xochiluvr link
Ic, that sounded downright civil.

Are you okay? Do we need to call the paramedics?
May 09, 2003 Pyro link
Maybe you could make a setting to change the packet size...
May 11, 2003 Random link
Last - 210
min - 0
Max - 1731
Avg - 854

Cablemodem 3.5/384
AMD 2400/1.93 GB
Gigabyte k400
512 MB RAM
40 GB HD with 30 GB Free
GeForce 4 MX 440 64 MB RAM

Okay guys tell me. Why do I have lag/Latency/Screen Jump back.
Tell me what I can check to give you something to work on.

May 11, 2003 a1k0n link
Out of order doesn't necessarily mean bad. I might get sequence 101, 103, and then 102, and they're all equally good packets. 102 just got delayed for whatever reason, so its timestamp is clearly behind. Dropping it would work because it would be retransmitted, but that's more network traffic and more latency. If I get, 101, 103, 102 (retransmitted) 102 (first time transmitted, but delayed), clearly the second sequence 102 is ignored. There was a bug where it would try to use the timestamp from the second 102 in this case and throw off your timer briefly, but the actual payload wasn't sent to Vendetta twice. Just the timing info.
Jun 09, 2003 Syntopicon link
Is there any reason that I would suddenly become laggy when nothing has changed?
I mean I had been playing fine, no problems with lag and now suddenly it lags constantly(well, except in sector 2), nothing else I do does, just vendetta....
Jun 11, 2003 Rabid Panda link
I only average a ping of 80. It really sucks since on most FPS games I get a ping of 30 or below.

Cable 1589 kbps down:240 kbps up