Forums » Bugs

Huge bot

Dec 24, 2003 sector0 link
Devs me and Katarn have found a bot with a 167772210 bounty that stays there and doesnt give the player that much score and a score larger than a billion. The bots name is [NPC] Alatorosis. and when i entered s15 it had an error sign saying "Error: 9:19416!=0,32780" Please fix this bug. I have also took pics of it that i will get in a bit.
Dec 25, 2003 RattMann link
I have seen the bots with outrageous score and/or bounty in sector 4. Darn, they
will not credit me for all that when I kill them. The error messages that sector0
mentions are suddenly popping up whenever I jump to another sector. Also, there is a "ghost" (?) ship wandering around sector 4 as well. It can be targeted, but cannot be shot. When targeted, the info screen shows "none" as it's name, and there is no health bar or any other info. This "ghost" ship is white with charcoal gray trim, and appears to be a just drifts aimlessly.
Dec 25, 2003 Sheean link
I had a ghost bus in s9, very scary...
Dec 25, 2003 Gowron link
I don't think they should fix the ghost ship. It seems rather nice that the game has a resident ghost. The constant haunting of a long-lost pilot...
Dec 25, 2003 SirCamps link
UncleDave!! It has to be him!
Dec 25, 2003 Celkan link
no.... Archon is the ghost, SirCamps...
Dec 25, 2003 RattMann link
Hmmmmm....a ghost ship as a gameplay feature. Will the "ghost" turn out to good or evil? Will it suddenly appear to rescue noobs being persecuted by pirates?
Will it manifest itself when griefer activities arise? What does it WANT? WHO does
it serve? WHERE will it show itself next???
Dec 26, 2003 Archon link
*ehem* As the official ghost of Vendetta, I will answer your questions, RattMann:

Q: Will the "ghost" turn out to be good or evil?
A: I'm Evil... really evil. Who's bad? Iiiiiiiii'm Baaad!

Q: Will it suddenly appear to rescue n00bs being persecuted by pirates?
A: Most definetively not.

Q: Will it manifest itself when griefer activites arise?
A: Err.. no, as I will probably be the one rising the griefer activity. >:]

Q: What does it want?
A: Death... to all (oh, and cash, of course :D).

Q: Who does it serve?
A: Itself - and sometimes Lady Serco.

Q: Where will it show itself next?
A: eeeeerrrrrr... heh.


Deeeeeeeeeeaaaaaathhh.. mwhahahahahahhahahahaahaaaaaaaa!
*ehem* Archon.
Jan 05, 2004 RattMann link
Thanx for the explanation, Archon. But where has the ghost been of late???
I kinda miss it...
Jan 05, 2004 Archon link
Ah, well. I don't use Archie much anymore - Evhun's a ghost, too, tho! Wee!
Jan 07, 2004 Xorbital link
Evhun is boooooring! Where's my Archon? Besides, ghosts need to be invisible... >:'
Jan 08, 2004 Celkan link
evhun's a dearie, tho he could clean up his language around me a bit...
Jan 09, 2004 HumpyThePenguin link
still boring though :P
Jan 12, 2004 mastacrasha911 link
I think that Archon being allowed to play this game is a bug.
Jan 12, 2004 Forum Moderator link
[locked due to off topicness]