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Inactive Hidden Wormhole, or Just an Abnormal Object?

Dec 25, 2003 Celkan link
At location (9328.70, 1353.52, 21462.34) in sector nine, there is an object that appears in the radar. However, there is no asteroid or rock associated with it. Neither is there a wormhole that activates.

I am wondering, is this a wormhole yet to be activated? Or is it just an object that hasn't been put in yet, like a station?
Dec 25, 2003 roguelazer link
Maybe that's where incarnate warped in when he brought the Frigate to sector 9. Maybe it left, like, some kind of impression of itself there.
Dec 25, 2003 Celkan link
I talked to FM, after meeting him there... it's more likely it's the center of an object, the object being a set of roids... I'd still like some verification.
Dec 26, 2003 a1k0n link
Yes, Waylon built clusters of asteroids, as they render faster than using single asteroids. That's probably what it is.
Dec 26, 2003 Celkan link
oki. Thanks!