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Char with Dev Engine (or something!)

Dec 30, 2003 SirCamps link
I spotted "Defense Ship 3" today in several instances of traveling many times more than the maximum speeds.

I was in sector 1, in my heavy/fast Valkyrie going 200 m/s, and his Wart Hog was gaining on me (he warped in behind me) by at least 100 m/s. He docked for a while to do whatever. Later, in sector 4, when I had the flag, he closed a distance of 3km (first he was off my radar, then at 1700m, then right on top of me) in less than 2 seconds.

Now he denied all this saying that it was lag or what not, saying he doesn't get high FPS around stations.

It might be lag, but it is highly unlikely that he would lag out and warp-update two times in a row the right direction and right distance.
Dec 30, 2003 SirCamps link
Edit: He wasn't lagging, his ping was 140's and his swarms didn't jump at all.
Dec 30, 2003 SirCamps link
OK, I had FiReMaGe come to 7, and it appears that he gets such low frames per second when viewing a station that he lags out and warps.

Devs, why is this? I restate the claim that he lag-warped 3km (it certainly is possible) doing this. It's not an exploit or anything, just a bug in the Vendetta code. He only lags when viewing a station.

Someone said it's because his client is not sending enough information or packets, another said too much. FM said he had trouble with his client not properly updating with the server.

You really gotta see this to believe it.
Dec 30, 2003 alienb1212 link're pretty gullable...
Dec 31, 2003 SirCamps link
Gullible* usually means that you believe what people say. Skepticism would be the opposite.