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Global and Team Chat

Jan 02, 2004 gen2002 link
It seems that i can't chat ingame because when i try to use the global or team chat i get an error , for example if i say "Hi" in the chat i get "Error: no such command Hi".
Althought i can't chat, i can do all the other activities like: botting , Turboing , Warping
Jan 02, 2004 spectre_c_me link
did you put a / infront of hi? if you did that would explain why
Jan 02, 2004 gen2002 link
No , i didn't put an / before hi
Jan 02, 2004 Suicidal Lemming link
Is multilog on?
Jan 02, 2004 gen2002 link
I don't think so
Jan 02, 2004 Forum Moderator link
I am unable to replicate this error in the manner you describe. The only way I have been able to get the error report you mention is by using: t /Hi

If you are still having this problem, please describe exactly what keystrokes you are using to open the chat window and type your message.
Jan 02, 2004 gen2002 link
Ok , first i press '`' then i type hi and then <ENTER>
Jan 02, 2004 FiReMaGe link
You have multilog on. You probably turned multilog on within Options > Graphics.

When multilog is on, the console and log are divided into six different logs. The console also changes what it does with what you type in it depending on what log you are looking at. You were looking at the "syslog", which is log 1. So that means it takes all of what you type as commands as if you typed a slash before them.

If you want what you type to come out to global chat, you go to log 6 with the command log6. You either type /log6 after pressing t or you type /log6 in the console.

You can turn off multilog with /set multilog 0 or going to Options > Graphics (If you already logged into the game, doing this might make a second log over the first. You'll need to restart Vendetta). Or you can choose to use multilog properly and bind the log# commands to keys. F5 to F10 are good choices. Just type the following in the Vendetta console:

bind F5 log1
bind F6 log2
bind F7 log3
bind F8 log4
bind F9 log5
bind F10 log6

Of course, type all that with a slash infront unless you are looking at log 1, the "syslog".

Below is what each log is.
log1 - syslog
log2 - client or private messages
log3 - groupchat
log4 - teamchat
log5 - sectorchat
log6 - globalchat

So if you are looking at log1 for example, the message you type in the console is taken as a command. Messages typed in the console while looking at log2 goes to the last person that messaged you. For log3, the message would go to the group and so on.

Some other things you should know if you choose to use multilog:
Credit receiving/sending messages go into log2, so be careful of sending too many credits.
The message of when a player drops a flag only appears in log6, which I think is a bug as server messages appear in the current log.
Jan 02, 2004 Forum Moderator link
Couldn't have said it better. Really!
Jan 02, 2004 simondearsley link
Aside from people attempting to write bots, or just being complete geeks...

Why bother?

What's the advantage in having to switch between different logs every time you want to chat?
Jan 02, 2004 Sheean link
Well.. in case you have a group, chatting in the group is then just a whole lot easier. Or when you /msg someone.
Jan 02, 2004 FiReMaGe link
Users that like to ignore everyone may enjoy this as they don't need to see globalchat or any other chat they don't wish to see anymore.

Also, multilog doesn't help bots since the current bots we have read off errors.log and not logs that are right in the game.

Right now there isn't much benefit besides having globalchat feel less like spam.
Jan 02, 2004 raybondo link
MultiLog is not a finished feature. I was only experimenting with it.
Jan 02, 2004 Celkan link
It's pretty cool as is, Ray. But yeah it could use a bit of maybe the numbers instead of being arabic being GTS numerals?