Forums » Bugs

stucking and exploding ?Vults!!

Jan 06, 2004 zamzx zik link
Jan 04, 2004 uomotoff link
Yeah!! Whenever I buy a brand new vulture it explode without any purpose (just little "bang" in docking bay or an asteriod with 20 or lesser speed) one time when i was docking to a station in s7 my vulture hit the station with speed of 15 to 5 m/s he became to jumping and jumped out of the docking bay (thru the wall) and exploded about 100m further!!!!
Jan 04, 2004 roguelazer link
This is called the "Wing bug". It's been around for a long time. Some people (me) can exploit this to travel in excess of 4000 m/s in a Vulture. However, I have yet to enter a warphole at that speed. It's my goal in life.
Jan 04, 2004 Suicidal Lemming link
Take a stick and hold onto it in the middle, grab the middle of one side and pull, then grab the end of one side and pull, which way is going to be harder to keep holding onto (in the middle) if you kept on pulling?
Jan 06, 2004 RelayeR link
The outside, of course...what does the leverage effect have to do with this??
Jan 06, 2004 Phaserlight link
Minor point, but I don't think the wing bug has anything to do with the "slingshot effect" that roguelazer can so adeptly preform. It's just the ship's geometry, no? Or are the two related?
Jan 06, 2004 roguelazer link
The wingbug causes the slingshot effect. Basically, the wing bug means that when the Vulture hits anything it spins at incredibly high speeds- higher than you can see on the monitor. This means that the wings hit several times, causing lots of damage. It also means that if you're invul (ie the superspeed), instead of dying from this high-speed spin, you go flying.
Jan 09, 2004 HumpyThePenguin link
I think it is because the ships are so damned bouncy..
Jan 10, 2004 AgY link
If you get something between the wing and the body it will spin around. If you hit an asteroid most of the time an wing bounces into the roid.

Some other 'nice' thing is. Hit your enemy with your wing spike between the wing and the body. If youre good your enemy will lose 40-50% and maybe it will die. Still bad fighting tactics ..... but happens sometimes.