Forums » Bugs

No Energy Issue

Jul 12, 2021 Scion_Spy link
Hey, so I'm just reposting/revving an older topic.

Again, like in the above, my account was while I was coding and AFK for awhile.
Sitting in Sedina H-7 for last few hours, I attempted to jump to Sedina G-7 but couldn't due to no power.

Ran a /time as soon as I noticed, "Current time: 02:33:41 Tuesday, Jul. 13 4449"
I'm currently PDT (Pacific US)

Unfortunately, I didn't see the request to check my ships description until I already attempted to undock, then re-dock my Goliath.
This did fix this issue.

I do have plugins. So am unsure if this nullifies the bug. Just reposting as I know it's been an issue in the past.

According to my error log, this current session was only active for about 1.5 hours (All of which was spent in the same sector not moving)
I did notice the game said my goliath had F/A enabled without energy.
When i undocked/redocked, the F/A enabled was removed; representing my true F/A off state. (Idk if that helps any :/ )

I'll continue doing what I was before, if I notice anything new i'll edit/new post.