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Rapid fire capital gauss

Jan 04, 2022 IronLord link
I don't know WHAT caused this.
But I think /activateturrets+ broke for a second or glitches out

Today, at 4:20:00 ish at unknown system wormhole h1, I turned on the turrets to shoot the chasing assaults, but I didn't target anything before I activated it, so when I did activate it I targeted a dentek and suddenly my capital gauss turret shoots around 10-15 times in less then two seconds. Whack.

I was in my Goliath with a rag mklll in the storage, two capital gauss cannons attached, a shield turret

(it wasn't the shield turret because I tell the dirrwnce between the thump of a gauss cannon and the wooshy sound of the shield turret)