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Procurement missions don't account for limited stock at Latos stations

Feb 15, 2022 womble link
I just got a procurement mission from Latos C-2 to obtain 39 Itani Education Disk Level O crates. The mission directed me to buy them from Latos N-15, and thus because the items are nearby, the mission only has a small reward.

The catch is that there are in fact only six crates of that item available in N-15. The rest have to be fetched from much farther away, which isn't great for a mission which has such a small reward.

Also, the reimbursement calculation doesn't seem to take into account the price curve for items in Latos. I paid 1,049c for the six crates, but was only reimbursed 1,044c on delivery. Not a big deal in this case, but for larger purchases I imagine it could wipe out the bonus that the mission pays.