Forums » Bugs

Killing NPC ships not affecting standing

Mar 18, 2022 Inevitable link
There's a bug where you can kill npc ships in monitored and guarded sectors with no faction loss. You can also kill as many as you want in nation space without triggering kos.
Mar 18, 2022 incarnate link
Thanks, we'll take a look.
Mar 18, 2022 incarnate link
Do you have any more specific details of date, time, etc? We aren't finding anything obvious.

If you need to open a ticket, to avoid revealing a character, that's okay.
Mar 19, 2022 ScotiaKnight link
Weve never taken a faction hit for killing non-nation npc in nation space. It still applies to *Local nation ships.. you cant kill ships in their own nation. corps dont really have a nation/standing as far as npcs go.. they can be killed anywhere but their own home and the nfz
Mar 19, 2022 Inevitable link
I've seen a lot of dead golis on the nyrius side of the nyrius/dau wormhole and some on the dau side. If you look at the standings when they fly through they are UIT respect or admired I can't remember at the moment.

On the Nyrius side there were quite a few dead UIT golis meaning the person/persons killing them didn't take a uit faction hit in their space either. I can test it out tonight.
Mar 19, 2022 Sid123 link
They aren't dead UIT golis. They're dead Valent golis. I know cuz I killed them. You can kill ships of the subfactions (TPG, Valent, Axia, Ineubis etc) inside nation space without triggering standing loss with either the nation or the faction. But if you kill a Valent ship in a Valent station sector, your Valent standing tanks. If you shoot any ship inside the NFZ from outside the NFZ, your standing tanks with said faction and triggers tempKoS with the nation you are in.
Mar 20, 2022 Inevitable link
Well, there you go, you can kill UIT respected+admired ships in UIT monitored/guarded sectors with no faction loss/ repercussions.
Mar 20, 2022 Undeniable link
Sounds like a bug which wasn't reported by a group of players who chose to kill NPC's in nation space without faction loss/repercussions to make profits.
Mar 20, 2022 ScotiaKnight link
can money be made doing voys? yes.

is the money made from voys worth the time invested? not even close.

suggesting its not reported because people are getting paid is ridiculous. were already rich, were just bored. if it was about the money we would be trading or doing something worthwhile with our time and making significantly more money with zero operational cost and zero shots fired in way way less time.

taking away the ability to kill *npc non-local faction + respected ships in nation will just take away things that give people a reason to even play the game. ive been killing voys in nation my whole vo career. its literally normal gameplay. entire guilds have been formed around the idea of killing npc voys.


and why isnt axia shooting valent as they pass each other in space. npc exploits? they should be held to the letter too.. and if uit players are shooting corporate ships, uit should definitely take a standing hit with those factions and corps should begin firing on uit ships in nation.. (lmfao)

i should be able to shoot a voy once, let it kill me and tank its standing in nation too. standing is standing, right?


basically change non-uit ships standing in uit to nothing and no one will have anything to complain about. its not like people are going to stop killing voys. they will just move to ukari, or edras, or latos, or the nearest ion storm.. or.. where ever.
Mar 20, 2022 ScotiaKnight link
(in short, there is absolutely no advantage to killing a voy in one place or another, unless you were killing them RIGHT AT A STATION.. which is theoretically possible right now provided they arent local faction)

..but its highly dangerous and no one does it.. yet. so ill give you that one free of charge; youd be crazy to try cos an nfz strike is inevitable.
Mar 20, 2022 Undeniable link
is the money made from voys worth the time invested? not even close.

If it didn't pay much at all you won't mind if devs take away the profits which was made
taking away the ability to kill *npc non-local faction + respected ships in nation will just take away things that give people a reason to even play the game.

You can kill voys in "GreySpace" , there is no rules in grey.

Mar 20, 2022 Sid123 link
I seriously say this. No kidding, no lying. I didn't know it was a bug. I got to know it worked this way, I thought it was an intentional feature, and I used it.

Also, as SK says, the factional ships don't belong to any nation in particular. This is shown by their names being in white instead of yellow/red/blue. They aren't UIT. So I don't see why killing them in UIT space should tank your standing.
And if they are within the standing rules, let them be fully within them. Actual factional standings for factional ships. You kill a UIT in UIT space, you trigger sf. Axia attacking Valent voys. Actually dynamic NPC warfare etc. But that needs a huge amount of work, and isn't the topic of this post. All I'm saying is to either keep the subfactions' NPCs completely out of the standing system as they are currently, or completely within it as above. Half measures would just make it worse.
Mar 21, 2022 Nick_9137 link
Sounds like a bug which wasn't reported by a group of players who chose to kill NPC's in nation space without faction loss/repercussions to make profits.

There is no bug here, that's just how standings work, and you guys know that.

Well, there you go, you can kill UIT respected+admired ships in UIT monitored/guarded sectors with no faction loss/ repercussions.

They're all respect. If you're POS and you kill anything with neutral or respect standings, yours don't get tanked. Again, that's just how standings work, and have worked for years.

Players have been doing that to kill (and camp) other players at stations without taking a faction hit for, again, years.

Mar 21, 2022 Undeniable link
There is no bug here, that's just how standings work, and you guys know that.

This is a bug , where a group of players constantly killed npc's in monitored space without triggering SF or taking faction hits to easily generate millions of credits , there is whole greyline maps exist with no shooting rules for such type of activities
Mar 21, 2022 Inevitable link
Okay, I wasn't attacking anyone much less a specific player. I was just pointing out that killing npc ships wasn't causing faction loss,(which happens if you kill a player with respect standing), and will not give you tempkos if you kill 3+ in a 24hr period.

I was wrong about the ships being UIT as I tested it out and lost my standings, but ships with respect standings caused no faction loss.
I don't understand why this thread is getting brigaded.
Mar 21, 2022 Undeniable link
I'm sorry for being blunt & a bit over-reaction , just like inevitable i also noticed multiple capships hulks floating in uit maps over the last few days & had no idea at that time if it was "player" capship hulks or "Npc's" ones until "inevitable" found the problem/bug and opened this thread which made things obvious why certain players was doing it.
Mar 21, 2022 Sid123 link
We don't even have confirmation from Inc yet on whether this is a bug or not.
a) we don't know whether it's a bug at all and
b) some of us didn't even know it was a bug, if it is

A lot of players have seen SK create hulkyards in nation space. A lot of players have seen me, as well as other players, farming voys in nation space as well. We've always been very open about what we were doing and how it worked. So this isn't a secret bug that we've hidden and abused.
Mar 21, 2022 Whistler link
I have edited several posts to comply with the rules of this thread. Please pay close attention to rule #6.
Mar 21, 2022 We all float link
There seems to be a lack of facts in this thread. Remember, in bugs post we report facts, not opinions. We don't point fingers.
To lose standing in monitored space, you must kill a non hated/kos player OR a NPC that is admired or POS. Currently there is no standing loss (that i have observed) for killing dislike/neutral/respect npcs.

These are the standings of the subfactions that most frequently travel through UIT space. I am not going to put these images inline in this post, because there are a lot of them. The take away is: the subfactions that have at least some operations within UIT space, have higher UIT faction than those that don't. But none of the subfactions, including TPG, have higher than respect standing with UIT. This means: anyone killing these factions in monitored UIT space will not lose standing.

End result: no bug

Exception to the rule: Kill a player that is dislike/neutral/respect and you lose around 1-30 faction points. Want to apply this rule to npcs? Make a suggestion.


Axia Technology Corp

BioCom Industries

Ineubis Defense Research

Orion Heavy Manufacturing

The Propeller Group

Tunguska heavy Mining Concern

Valent Robotics

Xang Xi Automated Systems
Mar 21, 2022 Inevitable link
You are going under the assumption that killing npc ships with respect nuetral or dislike and not losing faction and killing multiple of them not resulting in 24 hrs kos is intended even though doing the same to a player results in those repercussions.

Killing ships (NPC or character) in monitored or guarded sectors and not facing the same repercussions based on standings looks like a bug to me which is why I posted it here and not under suggestions.