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Can't enter some sectors

Jun 16, 2022 BanhammerUA link
Sometimes sector don't respond bug show up, I detect that in Sedina m15 (unrats sector), Ukari L14 (on write this thread), also hear that Verasi I5 have same problem not so long ago.
Familiar problem that game crashed sometimes just because on entering random sector, in this case it's happen only once
Jun 16, 2022 incarnate link
If your game-client is crashing, that isn't related to the sector. This sounds more like a problem in your local game client.

In which case, we would need a lot more information about your computer or device, like any bug report.
Jun 16, 2022 incarnate link
We are aware of an issue with Ukari L14 (which has been reset). However, whenever you tried to fly in there, you should have seen this printed to your HUD:

*** The sector you tried entering is not responding. The developers have been notified of the issue.

And then been bounced-back to your previous sector. We are still working on improving how our automated alarms about sector-problems are distributed (the system was just created recently), but we do receive information about these problems.

I still recommend reporting sectors that have lengthy, continued, current outages, that you have personally experienced.

Please do not report problems that you have "heard about", or issues from the past, those are not helpful.

Similarly, anything posted to Bugs needs to be strictly limited to a particular topic. If your game client is crashing, that is not the same as a sector not-loading. Those are very, very different problems.

Anyway, I hope this is helpful.