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Different drops stacking together

Aug 27, 2022 Inevitable link
This has been goin on for a while now, but it's nothing game breaking. Drops like guardian cores/nodules will stack on top of ores and what not. This makes it harder for players , especially mobile, to pick up/ farm specific drops without using plugins. For example, say I've been killing collectors or hive and I want the cores or nodule drops , but don't want the ore. Since they stack it makes it hard to tell if if the items I'm look for dropped as they will be in the same stack as ore dropped so I either have to use a plugin to target the specific drops or fly over every drop and jettison the stuff I don't want until I pick up what I'm looking for.

I don't know if this was intended to make looting easier on mobile, as there are less stacks,but I think different categories of drops (blue, green, pink, brown)should be in separate stacks.

Edit: this also doesn't happen every time, but it happens often enough which makes me think it's a bug.
Aug 27, 2022 Inevitable link
To be more descriptive it's not on top as in above, but inside as it's drops as the same stack. With a keen eye you can tell the color is a little different, but it's hard to tell the difference even not being color blind.
Aug 27, 2022 Sid123 link
This happens on both mobile and PC. I don't see a problem with it. Just pick everything and jett whatever you don't want.
Sep 02, 2022 Inevitable link
You may not see a problem with it, but that does not mean that it is not a bug or that other people don't see a problem with it. As far as I know, different categories of drops are supposed to stack separate so you can actually see what drops. After every kill people should not have to run over ore and jettison it until there is nothing left just to see if a different module dropped inside that ore.
Sep 03, 2022 incarnate link
They are actually stacking separately, but they may not be spatially separated very well. We can look into this further.

Whether this is a Bug or a Suggestion is kind of dependent on one's point of view, but in any case, we're now aware of the issue.