Forums » Bugs

Characters that have been docked in capship can be smugged in and not having the ship blasted by the turrets

Sep 25, 2022 dethtag link
I had a character in my golith docked in it and not have a key for the conquerable stations and my golith didn't get blasted to peaces and my character that has the golith is keyed for the stations.
Sep 26, 2022 incarnate link
Okay. I'm not sure if every player-passenger should need to have a key to prevent a ship from being blown up, assuming the owner has the key.

I'm also not sure if we should be allowing people to dock who aren't keyed.. perhaps we should just prevent the ship from docking, and give a popup to the owner?

Anyway, I'm not sure if this is a "bug" exactly. I'm open to changing the current behaviour, but if we get into a big discussion on this, I'd rather have a thread on Suggestions.
Sep 26, 2022 dethtag link
I see, I'll write up a suggestion about this. But it did seem like it could be exploit able when I was testing it out, but I write a suggestion on suggestions.