Forums » Bugs


Mar 02, 2004 RelayeR link
I was hesitant on posting this but have given it further thought.

I filed a bug report yesterday describing how I get the Uberbattery. Please advise the devs if you get it too and how. This is a bug and to exploit it is wrong.

Uberbattery...a battery that doesn't lose any power while boosting. Wormhole and weapons drainage are normal.
Mar 02, 2004 Forum Moderator link
Thanks for not posting the "how-to" here. If you filed it under the "Bug Report" link it will be seen and dealt with. Again, thanks for handling this appropriately. You get the playtester gold star sticker.

[Edit: Oh, hell, I didn't read that very carefully.]
Mar 02, 2004 a1k0n link
Umm. The fast charge battery/efficient engine combo is designed to have the recharge rate of the battery equal the boost drain rate. So yes, you are supposed to be able to have infinite boost without draining the battery with this combo.

Note that if you shoot, then boost, your battery doesn't recharge.
Mar 02, 2004 roguelazer link
Not only that, but you always have. It was the battery of choice in 3.2.0, until people realized the power of the med/f-c.
Mar 02, 2004 Arolte link
Hehe, RelayeR, how long have you been playing Vendetta? But hey, I don't think the fast charge battery and medium engine combo should be draining that slowly. Get that fixed and people will actually use the efficient and heavy engines. 'Cause right now the fast charge/medium combo is dominating the game and is so ridiculously slow at draining energy that it might as well be the new efficient combo. Gah!
Mar 02, 2004 RelayeR link
a1k0n, I exclusively use efficient/f.c. and all my other ships show drain when I boost. These ships that I mentioned do not. Why would there be a difference?

FM, does that mean I lose my playtester gold star sticker?

Arolte, :P9
Mar 02, 2004 roguelazer link
Arolte: Actually, heavy dominates. I dunno how often you've been ingame, but almost everyone uses heavy. I use either a medium or an eff in my centurion, but ALL the valk-users that I fight use heavies. Ditto for the heavy ships. The medium is second-place, followed by the efficient. The light is worse than the free, so why use it?
Mar 02, 2004 Arolte link
That's a negative, sir. A fast charge/medium combo will ALWAYS catch up to a heavy/heavy combo of any ship configuration. Always.
Mar 02, 2004 RelayeR link
My appologies to all, I was confusing the 'efficient' engine with the 'medium' engine (both of which have 'efficient' in their discriptions). All this time, I thought there was only one engine with efficient in it's discription.

Devs, please excuse my causing any head scratching.
Players, thanks for making me scratch my head and look at the situation : )

/me hands his playtester gold star sticker back and goes looking for real bugs.

(FM, i deserve a big ol' LOCK on this)
Mar 03, 2004 roguelazer link
Arolte: yes it will. But a heavy is better for pirates because of its higher accel. If a trader takes off from station and a pirate starts chasing him, say, 5 seconds later, the higher acceleration and higher top speed of the heavy mean that the pirate will intercept the trader before the battery runs out.
Mar 03, 2004 Arolte link
Rogue, the point is that because of the near-infinite boost properties of the fast/medium combo, it makes the fast/efficient combo useless. You only need to wait two or three seconds for it to recharge at a wormhole. That's more than enough to make up for being able to boost right on through with the fast/efficient combo. The fast/medium needs to consume more energy, period. It'll still have more endurance than the heavy/heavy, but not as much as the fast/efficient. Right now it beats both.
Mar 03, 2004 a1k0n link
Yes.. Yes you do deserve a lock before roguelazer and Arolte hijack it. *sigh* too late.