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funky colours in S9

Mar 24, 2004 randomblast link
Okay, i was going to duel with Mage Hisoka, but i was lagging really bad, so i went offline to check my netstat, and saw that gtk-gnutella was running. I closed it, returned to the game, and i was greeted by this -
And a nother more arty shot of Mage's vult -

Also, Mage pointed out the interesting image where the sector map should be on the first image (S9-1.jpg), i think i've seen this before on a shot of sector 0.

There are some more pics, they're pretty much all the same, but if u want them let me know.
Mar 24, 2004 Arolte link
Hey cool, sector 0 merged with sector 9. Hehe, gotta love that sector map lightning zapper monster. Isn't that like one of those electricity warning signs found in Canada?
Mar 24, 2004 raybondo link
Heh, we're pretty close to Canada.

Actually, it looks like your client thought it was sector 0 when it generated the background. I had this happen once a few months ago but was unable to duplicate it since. It does have to do with extremely bad lag though.
Nothing to really worry about except for burned retinas.
Mar 25, 2004 randomblast link
Oh cool, so if i was being really unscientific i should just be uploading a copy of photoshop in the background. Or to be a little more prescise a packet injection hack would be in order.
Couldn't i transport myself to different sectors doing this? Or is the actual location server-side?

EDIT: hmm, ok i'm getting 404s on these pics, i erally hate this server, we don't use it any more except for a redirect, and my shared files.
Mar 25, 2004 raybondo link
THe actual location is server-side. The server just tells your client what background to render when you enter a sector. For some reason your client generated the background before being told which sector to render, that's all.