Forums » Bugs

Invincible Drone II's

May 10, 2004 Dionix link
I have run into 2 invincible Drone II's today.. could be the same one, but I doubt it considering one had damage taken, and the other was in perfect health, I've unloaded a full medium battery charge directly into these things and they take 0 damage.
May 10, 2004 Spider link
there are some invinsible bots in s4, s11, s18 as well. I've hit at least one sentry.

actually there was an immortal defbot as well, but soon afterwards I was dropped by the game , so that might have been me.
May 11, 2004 Forum Moderator link
Ya I've found a few of these and have used the bug reporter to give specifics. Another interesting thing is that if you issue on an invincible bot, you get kicked from the server, and when you log back on you discover that you are back in the dock with no loss or penalty, and that there is no announcement that you issued.
May 11, 2004 Dionix link
Well, invincible bots are growing in numbers, I think it's now to the point where we are going to have to abort our group mission we've spent 2 hours on, because we can't kill any of the bots we need because of the damned invincible bots, plus I'm stuck in the loading screen of s11, so either I have to A: log off and add more invincible bots to the thing when I rejoin, or sit and soak XP, well that is if the rest of them can find the bots.

But this really needs to be taken care of ASAP.
May 11, 2004 Forum Moderator link
Isn't play testing exciting?
May 11, 2004 Dionix link
Apparently after awhile they reset, also on a side note, we have had problems with chat going down, like, couldn't say anything in group, or global, or team, didnt' see any mission comp messages, only Bob killed Joe, Serco standing blah, light weapons blah, etc.

Then all of a sudden ti works
May 11, 2004 UncleDave link
Yup, that would be the Vendetta-only unique MMORPG feature of...

May 11, 2004 harvestmouse link
hehe UncleDave. it was a galaxy-wide lag :)
May 11, 2004 Dionix link
Yeah, not a one of my group members could talk either, but the "Someone killed Bot XXII" and "You recieve +1000 combat points" still appeared
May 12, 2004 Ticho link
Yes, I've experienced this too. For like 5 minutes, no chat went through. Then, all the lines that have been suppressed flooded the console.

Some players complained that they dropped out of the game, some have been able to play normally - for example, I was botting happily during that "silent" period.
May 12, 2004 Ticho link
[this forum should really have "Delete" button for posts]
May 12, 2004 harvestmouse link
+1000 combat points? w00t I want that
May 12, 2004 Forum Moderator link
The bots looked good after the update, and we're getting off-topc, so I'll lock this and we can open a new thread if the problem resurfaces.
