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Damaged Before able to attack

May 25, 2004 MonkRX link
Bah, my invincibility wares off before I can attack bug. :(

Its still exists :(. (s11 warping to s6, defbots attack be, I take damage before I can shoot).

Heres a link to a similar bug: (more details)
May 25, 2004 Arolte link
Yep. Been around for a while now. It used to be the same for undocking, but they fixed that. Now they gotta do the same for wormholes. Devs?
May 26, 2004 a1k0n link
Turns out this isn't, and never was, a bug.
May 26, 2004 Sheean link
It's a feature(tm)
May 26, 2004 Eldrad link
hmmmm, that's what I'd assumed. Makes sense to me... Arolte was pretty convincing that it was a bug though.
May 26, 2004 Arolte link
Uhhhm, I didn't say it was a bug. It's probably a numerical value within the code to indicate how long a player is supposed to have a no-fire period. They just need to tweak it.
May 27, 2004 harvestmouse link
aye. it can be a pain when there are hostilities on other side of warphole. but usually the time it takes a hostile to run over to you + a few seconds of your own dodging evens it out.

if you're unlucky, the last player that warped out had 3 nation defenders on their tail
May 27, 2004 MonkRX link
>if you're unlucky, the
>last player that warped
>out had 3 nation defenders
>on their tail

Im worse than unlucky. Katarn was running away from 4 defbots in s6 when i warped in :(.
May 27, 2004 harvestmouse link
lol Katarno...

yea. that could potentially be -very bad-...
often times you warp so that you have to fly back to the warphole (you can intentionally make yourself warp on the warphole, but usually I'm too lazy to make the extra effort), so here's where "damaged before able to attack" is a problem:

you warp into s4 from s7. you are 746 m from the Warphole. some evil pirate, tailed by defbots, warps out the moment you warp in. you can't shoot, you can't turbo towards the wh... if you are in a ship other than a vulture, you are dead meat.
May 28, 2004 Eldrad link
You can turbo towards the WH, and you can also dodge. I think it's a good feature.
May 28, 2004 harvestmouse link
I really think it depends on what you're in, Eld. if you're in a vulture (or a valkyrie), you leave unscathed. A warthog can probably dodge a pack of defs too. *edit* wait... I can dodge defs in a heavy engine bus... you may be right about dodging then
I really doubt any other ships can survive without outright killing all the defbots.
(and is you reasoning based on the assumption that the unfortunate pilot has heavy engine and fast charge battery? -_~)

--oh. and if bots still back off when damaged by energy weapons, you could back off to the wh in physics while fending yourself...
May 28, 2004 MonkRX link
Any ship except for heavies (centaur, rag, maybe prom, maybe wraith, maybe Atlas) can probably escape out of this situtation with some skill enough.

Take this example:
n00b comes into game in a bus, and feels like exploring (which is what n00bs do when they are new to an MMORPG). Unknownly he jumps into s8 to be greeted by D2s. He dies. He wonders why he can't shoot. he is mad and leaves the game forever. He couldn't escape because he didn't know how to dodge.
I find it unfair that I cant shoot and they (the DEFBOTs in this case) can tear me to pieces.
Hopefully in the new universe they will have a better warp/wormhole-jump system.

Btw: Evoli, buses aren't a bad ship. It just lacks weapon ports and hull. They can manuver pretty well. Its agilty probably comparable to a warthog.
May 29, 2004 Eldrad link
harvestmouse, why wouldn't it be a feature that a bad fighting ship is killed when it comes in contact with a large number of the most powerful ship in the game?
May 29, 2004 randomblast link
busses pwn.
May 29, 2004 harvestmouse link
haha, I did say you could dodge defbots with a heavy engine bus, didn't I? (I think I made the edit before another post was made)

busses pwn. that's why there are bus assassination missions, though I highly doubt -anyone- does those in a stock bus.

Eldrad: you're right. for example, if I go to an enemy sector flying a lightly armed centaur, it'd be my fault if I die. botting to get out of "hate" with a faction? I'd be a fool not to do it in an energy vult.

I guess "damaged Before able to Attack" will have to apply to PvP then. if you see someone just warp in, you will be able to move in and deal damage without fear of retaliation.