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This is not right & not fair!

May 27, 2004 jimce3k link
Okay this is what happened.. I was botting in sec 12 to build my rep and a defense bot got caught in a crossfire and destroyed by accident. Next thing I know my rep is -1000 and I'm KOS. This needs to be fixed because now I can't trade there. A warning would have been better and a point drop but to lose everything really sucks since I was not even attacking other Serco players. I don't know if this can be reset or not and if it can't, then I'm quitting the game till it's fixed. I spent way too much time building the character for this the screw things up. L8ter Bastet :-)
May 27, 2004 Arolte link
Were you using rockets or energy weapons? Sounds like rockets. Anyway, it sounds like it was your own fault. Aim better next time.

May 27, 2004 jimce3k link
I was only useing energy weapons when the bot flew in front of me. Aim had nothing to do with it as it wasn't even targeted. I'm not saying I should NOT get a score or rep reduction, but too lose 1000 rep points bites big time for a first and only time really sucked the fun out of the game. It needs to be changed.
May 27, 2004 ctishman link
Let's just say you and a bunch of friends set up a paintball match downtown. Due to an obscure town charter clause, you are allowed to paintball downtown to your heart's desire. The game moves around, as games often do, and eventually you're flinging paintballs back and forth in front of the police precinct. An officer walks out of the building, gets pelted with not just one paintball, but enough that he DIES. Why shouldn't the town decide to clamp down on your fun?
May 27, 2004 Arolte link
LOL!! Thanks, ctishman. Made my day there...

May 27, 2004 harvestmouse link
lol ctishman... *big smile*
May 27, 2004 Forum Moderator link
Recall that this is not a finished game and that at any given time something will be wrong or unfair. That's why we're playing for free, right? We repay guild by finding and calmly reporting these things now so that they won't ruin the finished game.

Incarnate: "Faction reset depends on how much the faction system gets changed around. Not sure if we'll do one or not, as of yet."
May 27, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
Note: I've never heard of a DefBot being downed by energies...I'd like to know your config for doing that.

I agree that the loss of 1000 pts is a high price but I must also note that clearly you left the bot in sight long enough to put some serious fire down on him.

Until it's repaired, I'd just say to trade to the Itani and wait for someone to repair it. As FM said "We repay guild by finding and calmly reporting these things now so that they won't ruin the finished game."
May 27, 2004 jimce3k link
I was flying a Hornet with quad phased ions and the bot came from behind me and into my line of fire. Anyway it's a a dead issue and my only complaint was the heavy price I paid for a simple error. If I shot a serco pilot I would not have been hit so hard so something is really out of balance here. I'm sorry if I came off heavy handed about this matter but I was really upset at the time I posted.
May 27, 2004 Saxoccer link killed a Def. bot with 1 hit from quad phased ions.

either you got a def bot that was already basically dead...
or you were hunting one and didn't realize how much of an impact it would have on your reputation toward the serco and have now decided to lie and complain about it to get it reset.

i didn't say "1 hit" but if it's by "accident" we can all assume you didn't hit him 25 times.
May 27, 2004 The Kid link
well if you make a "simple" error of driving into a pole at 70mph then you die (usually), don't you?
May 28, 2004 randomblast link
the bot must have been damaged already, there's no way you could do that...
May 28, 2004 SirCamps link
Guys, this is not real life, and that is why it's a "game" and is "fun" for 99% of the people who learn it. There has to be a bit of leniency in the game. Should a defbot turn and attack a newb who fired an ion blast at it because it was red on radar? You have to think about these things and take them into consideration for the final product.

Jimce, it sucks, I know. I lost my standing with NT because the bot I was trying to kill died after I did (thus, outside the protection of the mission). Grin and bear it, there'll be resets in the next couple of months.
May 29, 2004 Katarn link
Well I lost my standing with NT twice and already got back up to dislike :P
May 30, 2004 Forum Moderator link
[moved to Bugs]