Forums » Bugs

Case of the missing wormhole

Jul 01, 2004 jimce3k link
Got a mission to the Verasi system from the Dau system but when I reached the Nyrius system at sector N-2 the wormhole to Verasi does not seem to exist. I don't know if this has been reported yet or not but it needs to be looked into because you have to take a real long route to get there any other way :-(
Jul 01, 2004 AlienB link
Those that do not read the bugs forum should.
Jul 01, 2004 jimce3k link
Actualy I did read the forums and found nothing related. Given the size of the forum it is easy to miss. Anyway after a lot of travel and entering the Nyrius system from Verasi I discovered the wormhole is located at L-2. So it seems the sector map needs correction. Just trying to help, after all that "IS" what are supposed to be doing right? :-)
Jul 01, 2004 Forum Moderator link
Thanks for the report. I'm trying to keep them all in Bugs for the conveneince of the devs. It would be helpful if people would title the posts with the name of the missing area.

I've noted that if something isn't at N-#, it's at L-#