Forums » Bugs

shit's broke.

Aug 08, 2004 AlienB link
Yeah, like..all of it. Sectors are down, jumps will leave you hanging at the load screen, Defenders and sometimes nationdef bots are invisible, nation standings dont save, tons and tons of octree warnings, My Buddy Katarn logged off several times in a row (without logging back on) and random other stuff doesnt work. I'm also getting my before-mentioned graphics bug on a 128mb card. It's -not- running out of texture memory.
Aug 08, 2004 Suicidal Lemming link
Drone II's are invisible sometimes too, stuck in loading sucks.
Aug 09, 2004 RelayeR link
The Devs all took a well deserved weekend away from the office. Look for sector resets and repairs come Monday morning.

That's if Andy doesn't break his neck on his bike!

(btw, alienb...nice title...very informative :P )