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Exiting menus/warps with mouselook on

Aug 09, 2004 thginkrej link
I know this was talked about long long ago, but I still think it should be easy enough to remedy.

When exiting a menu or warp and flying with mouselook on, the original position of the cursor in the menu seems to cause mouse motion resulting in instant ~180 degree turns, since the buttons for exiting menus are generally off center near the bottom of the screen. The fix I was told long ago was to move the cursor to the center of the screen before exiting a menu (this works), but why should that be required? Can't the absolute cursor position be reset to center upon entering flight mode?

Another quick solution I've started using is to shake the mouse a little during the warp-in and undock animations. It's just when I forget to do this that it really gets annoying to suddenly be facing back at the station, ready to turbo.

[Edit]: In case this is OS dependent, I'm using linux+X11. Does anyone see this in Win/Mac?
Aug 09, 2004 a1k0n link
Yes, this can probably be easily fixed with a little code cleanup.
I'll make a note of it and see what I can do if I have some time.
Aug 09, 2004 Klox link
I'll add my "me too". I've submitted this as a bug before, but I think it needs visibility. I could tolerate it in the old universe because there were less windows, but now I spend more time going in and out of the nav window (while trading) than I do anything else and this bug drives me nuts some days.

thginkrej: I think I heard (about a year ago) that this was a Linux-only bug. (Haven't tried other OSs, so I can't test it.)