Forums » Bugs

Last active channel

Aug 11, 2004 Cam link
Vendetta still defaults to my highest channel, instead of the last active.

I was given the impression it was fixed, so I thought a reminder was in order. :D

Aug 11, 2004 roguelazer link
It defaults to half of my highest channel. No, seriously. I was in -1 (which is really 25something.......), but when I logged in the last time I did so I was in 126something.....
Aug 12, 2004 raybondo link
rogue: negative numbers don't work.
-1 is 0xffffffff which is actually 4294967295.

Cam: If you have a lower channel active when you exit, what does your config.ini file say for:
channels= ?
Aug 12, 2004 roguelazer link
I know ray. I just use -1 as a shortcut to the popular channel 4294967295. But for some reason the game has been logging me in to channel 124 something. Which isn't half, so I have no idea how I got there.
Aug 12, 2004 Cam link
Ray: It lists the channels in numerical order
I actually tried rearranging that before I posted, it didn't make any difference.

here's that section from the file

channels= 1 100 101 404 411 911 1337 31337


Every time I log in I start in channel 31337