Forums » Bugs

Hostage Mission Bug

Sep 25, 2004 Starfisher link
When you leave the station, it tells you to kill the pirates/be careful... but there's no message telling you where to go. If you accept the mission and leave the station, you have to dock again to find out where the pirates are.

Fix: Add a line that tells you where to go.
Sep 25, 2004 raybondo link
doh, i know i forgot something.
Sep 25, 2004 Starfisher link
Less of a bug, more of a gripe - make the pirates fly something other than the Vulture (the hardest ship to hit in the game). It's a reeaaaal pain to try and take them down when you can't get sunflares yet and they dodge energy like there's no tomorrow. I guess they would still be hard to hit no matter what model they had, but the Vulture is a bit much :/
Sep 25, 2004 Starfisher link
And more bug! I used jackhammers exclusivley to kill the pirates and damage the hostage taker, but I got light weapons XP. That doesn't seem right.

Also, it says the pirate is running away.. but he is clearly shooting and chasing me. ;)