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Mission "Auto-Accept/Decline" Weirdness...

Oct 09, 2004 RattMann link
I took a cargo mission from Ukari to Initros I-2. At that station I was looking for more cargo missions. I opened "cargo mission" and clicked on "Info" and
was reading the info when suddenly, the mission was accepted even though I
had not clicked on anything. Almost as fast as the mission had been "auto -
accepted," it was "auto - aborted" and I was told that it would "not look good
on my record." This all happened VERY quickly. I clicked on the "Cargo Mission" again, and the same sequence of events occurred again, only this time
to recieve the fast delivery bonus, it would be necessary to do the mission in
one minute less time.... then it "auto - aborted" again, also without me clicking
on anything.