Forums » Bugs

Mission interface active before pressing "M"

Oct 24, 2004 Screwball link
I'm not sure if this is a bug or just something I don't understand about the interface. Apologies if this should be a suggestion.

I have been on several cargo missions where I was flying around and accidentally hit "1" and some other keys (instead of "tab", "!", "/join 100", or whatever) and accidentally ended up aborting my mission. The problems are that A) I didn't hit "M" to bring up the mission bot before I hit "1", and B) I was on the Chat screen, not the Mission screen, so I didn't even see that I was aborting the mission until I landed.

I have tested this several times (once I figured out what was going on) and this is 100% reproducible.

Please, please, please require the user to hit "M" to activate the mission bot first. Even better, please require the user to be on the Mission screen first, or at least have "M" switch them to that screen.

Also, it would be great if there was a "are you sure? (9=Y/0=N)" type question that confirms that you want to abort the mission. This would further reduce accidental aborts.
Oct 24, 2004 danielky link
or make the secondary "Are you sure?" question optional because that would get old quick.